1: Roadtrip to the Honeymoon

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[Dreams POV]

"C'mon George, let's go!" I shouted from downstairs as i carried all of our luggage to the door and fumbled everything around in mh arms to grab my keys. I'm ecstatic about this and i know George is too, even though he's not quite ready yet. We spent an hour preparing everything, but he's good at last minute scrambling.

I took everything to the car and began packing everything into the trunk. I was able to grab everything expect for a few bags so i ran back inside and grabbed them. It was just in time to see George booking it down the stairs carrying some things.

"There you are!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm ready now"

"What'd you do, pack the whole house?" I joked, looking at everything he held in his arms which was almost too much to carry.

"Oh shut up" he snickered.

I laughed again and began to walk back outside.

"Let's get this stuff packed into the car"

After a few moments we managed to pack everything we wanted to bring successfully in my car. I ran over to the passengers side door and opened it for George.

"Look at you being a gentlemen"

he walked over to me blushed cheeks and a goofy smile.

"I'm just being polite" i smiled.

"Well thank you" he got in the car and i shut the door behind him then ran over to my side and hopped in shortly after.

We both buckled up and i began to pull out of the driveway when i made a realization and brung the car to a stop.

"What?" George shot me a confused look.

"I forgot something"

"I'll go get it, what'd you forget?" He started taking off his seat belt.

"No no its fine i got it" i laughed.

"What is it?" He re secured his seatbelt.

"I forgot to lock the door"

"Oh my god" he slapped his forehead and laughed.

"I told you" I busted out laughing. "It's fine it's fine, i'll go lock it. Sapnap's not going to be home for a few hours anyways, plus he has a key. I unbuckled my seatbelt then got out of the car and ran back to the front door to lock it.

"Idiot" George joked in a fond tone and shook his head.

Its always been a thing for us to call each other idiots. Of course we don't mean it in a harmful way, it's just something we do.

"Alright" i got back in the car and buckled up. "See that wasn't bad"

George laughed, "i can't believe you forgot to lock it"

"Hey now you were the last one out" i laughed and started driving again. This time successfully pulling out of the driveway without any interruptions. We then began our long drive to our honeymoon location.

"Hey now, i don't have my own key yet" George crossed his arms teasingly.

"Oh yeah that's right, i need to get more made" i laughed.

"Okay okay" i added, "you win this time."

"and every time after this one" he butted

"mmm" i hummed. "We'll see about that."

"mmm" George hummed. "I don't know"

There was a moment of silence before George began to speak again.

"Jokes aside, what are we doing when we get to this place?" He turned to look out of his window and watch the scenery as we drove.

"Well, i have a whole week of things planned actually"

"Oh really?"

I nodded. I immediately thought of an idea to tease George, i began listing off activities he's more scared to do.

"Theirs a place about an hour away from where we'll be staying where we're gonna go bungee jumping.."

George immediately looked at me with an unsettling look on his face.

"i also booked us a session to fly out of an airplane, ummm-"

I trailed off for a moment to focus on making a turn we came up on.

"Oh! I glanced over at George to see he looked petrified, then looked back at the road.

"Did i mention the pilot is going to let us drive the planes?"

"Dream!" He interrupted.

"What?" I looked over at him.

"I don't know how to fly a plane- WE don't know how to fly planes"

"Oh silly George, i never told you i took flying lessons in college did i?"

He squinted his eyes at me. "You didn't go to college"

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. "I'm just messing with you George, we're not doing any of that."

I heard him quite literally take a breath of relief. "You idiot!!" He covered his face to try and hide the fact that he was trying not to laugh himself, which made me laugh even harder.

"You should of seen the look on your face" i blurted out in between fits of laughter. "You looked petrified."

"Shut up."

I laughed more and rubbed his shoulder. "Ohh cheer up, buttercup." I paused.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, honey i promise we're not doing any of that, especially not flying planes ourselves" i reassured. "but i did set up some pretty nice things, i really think you'll enjoy them."

He smiled and looked back at me. "What are we actually doing?"

"Shh, most of that is a surprise for you"

"Nooo don't pull that card" he frowned

"Hey, hey" i spoke more softly.

"some of these things you've been telling me for years that you've always wanted to do." I smiled. "It's going to be a great week, i promise."

He smiled. "I trust you"

those words made me very happy to hear, i couldn't help but get this big goofy smile.

I'm going to make sure this trip is the best week of George's life.

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