Guilty As Charged

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I arrived back at George's house and was greeted by his parents.

"Welcome back" his mom said to me with a bright smile and i thanked her. She seemed to be doing a lot better since everything went down, George's dad too, they've been full of smiles. We had a short conversation before i headed back to George's room.

"Knock knock" I chuckled and walked inside

"Where have you beennn that felt like forever" he let out a dramatic groan and laughed

"I just did a bit of catching up with Sapnap before i left" i smiled and sad on the bed. "Which reminds me, he wants to come by later."

"Oh really?"

"He told me to just give him the address and he'd come"

"That'll be nice, it's been a while since ive seen him"

"Yeah i think he definitely misses you, ive been keeping him aware of everything"

"That's good, im excited to see him again" he smiled.

"He'll be by here soon" i smiled

Shortly after George convinced me to lay down with him. I held him close to me and listened as his heartbeat began to steady and he drifted off to sleep. It made me happy knowing he was getting so much rest, he'll be better in no time.

A few hours passed and Sapnap made it to George's parents house. I slipped out of George's room carefully and quietly without waking him up and walked out to the living room to meet with Sapnap and George's parents.

"Dream! Your friend is here" George's mom turned to me.

"Yeah, this is my roommate Sapnap" i smiled. "He's another great friend of George"

"That's pretty cool, nice to meet you Sapnap" she pulled him into a hug.

"Nice to meet you two" he hugged back and smiled.

After a while of the 3 exchanging facts and getting to know each other, George's mom went to check on him. Sapnap and i stayed and talked with his dad.

"So how do you two know each other?" The man across the table folded his hands in front of him and exchanged looks between Sapnap and i.

"Well, it's kind of funny how we met actually"

"Yeah-" Sapnap laughed.

"One day like 8 years ago, Sapnap and i happened to be on the same Minecraft server" i began talking.

"Sapnap had put in chat, 123 for Skype team"

"I see"

"It just so happened that i was in the same server and replied with 123. We became friends pretty quickly after that."

"So you were originally online friends?"

Sapnap nodded. "Until i decided to make the trip from Texas to Florida"

I laughed "that was definitely something, but im glad he made the decision. About 5 months later we decided to move to New York and from then on, it's gotten us here.

"That's how we met George" Sapnap added.

"That's really something, it's crazy how things can work out like that"

I smiled. "Yeah it's- im grateful it's gotten us this far"

"Me too" sapnap smiled.

"So George talks all the time about how you guys got a job opportunity that moved you here, i think that's pretty cool" i smiled

"Oh yeah! The company his mother and i work for, some higher up positions were open here and they offered them to us, so we took it"

"That's pretty neat" Sapnap added

"I bet it was surreal to get an opportunity like that in a different country?"

His dad nodded. "It's been amazing, it's definitely taken some time to get used to i think for all of us. Especially with George and all of his friends back in England, but it's been great"

"Do you like it here more or England?"

"I don't think i can love any place more than England, theirs something special about it to me, but New York is great to"

I nodded, "i get that"

We all talked some more and George's mom came back to meet us at the table. We have her a recap of what we discussed and what she missed.

TW: car accident lightly mentioned!!

Eventually she got a phone call which by the look on her face, seemed very important. She looked at me and waved her hand her way signaling for me to come, i was very confused but i got up and followed her to the other room.

After a few minutes of her talking she got off the phone and looked at me, an almost relieved look was on her face.

"The police just called"

My eyes widened. "What did they say?"

"Well to rip off the bandaid, it was a hit and run, kind of. They found the guy who's guilty of this horrible incident"

"Oh my god"

"The person who hit George's car head on, well.. where you found him i think you can connect the dots"

My heart dropped at the thought of that person leaving George for dead.

"Thats awful."

She nodded. "They found out who did it. He's been put in Jail, they said he'll have court later in the week where they'll determine the charges."

I let out a breath of relief.

"I'm so glad they caught the guy"

"George's car is totaled as well, but we'll get that taken care of, i care more about him than the car"

I chuckled. "Yeah, it's better the car than him in this situation"

We finished up our conversation before comfortable silence filled the room.

I thought about the conversation that George and i had yesterday and how we still haven't made his parents aware of everything yet.

His parents seemed beyond supportive, i wanted to tell them everything, i felt bad for having to hide it but i don't know if George is ready yet and i definitely don't want to say anything without him right there.

Im glad we have things figured out with George though, and i hope that guy serves the time he deserves.


Hello! I apologize for this chapter being a little  meh, its a bit of a build up. I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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