A Christmas (Eve) Miracle

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I looked down and there she was.


It didn't make any sense. Was she the one doing that all along? was i really not just imagining her presence?

She never showed herself before. Every time i'd check my surroundings i didn't see a cat in sight.

Maybe she was right in front of my face this whole time. It could of been her all along, but why would she hide like that whenever i looked

especially if she knew it was me. I was beyond confused, but too overwhelmed with emotions to figure it out right now.

I stared in disbelief for a few moments before i shoved the mail in my coat pocket and quickly swooped her up from the cold ground.

She was freezing, i felt terrible that she had been out in this snow.

Meows and purrs could be heard from her as she clung to me.

At that moment i broke down, i could no longer contain what i was feeling.

I brought her into a hug and held her so closely, my sniffles could probably be heard from inside the house at this point.

She rubbed her face up against mine as she did a little happy pur. I could tell she was just as happy to be found as i was to find her.

I needed to get her warmed up, i quickly brought her inside and kicked off my shoes so i at least wasn't tracking snow and water through the house.

Before i could even turn Sapnap noticed and froze. I walked over to where him and George were.

"Dream? Where'd you get the cat? what happened?" George had many questions, i could see the panic in his eyes.

"Holy shit... no way. No way!!" Sapnap nearly shouted. He looked beyond relieved. George stared at the two of us in confusion, i forgot that neither of us had told him about her.

I took a deep breath so i could gain my composure enough to explain everything.

"The day Sapnap and i moved here we lost Patches. She got out and i never thought we'd get her back. I don't know where she's been these past 5 months" quiet sobs snuck out of me again.

"Oh my god, guys" George paused, i could tell he didn't know what to say. We forgot to tell him.

"I'm so happy you guys got her back, that's amazing" he had this almost relieved smile on his face, like he had known this cat all his life.

Sapnap wiped tears that had ran down his cheek and walked over to me. "I can't believe she's back" he took some time to pet her.

I gained my composure again and handed Patches to Sapnap and quickly took off my coat.

"She's cold though, we need to warm her up."

"Oh my god she's freezing, Patches" Sapnap added as he took her.

I ran to my room and grabbed the blanket from her little cat bed that i had got her and ran back.

"My poor baby" i said softly as i adjusted how i was holding the blanket and Sapnap handed her back.

"Let's go to the living room." I walked over with Patches and sat down with her in my arms, criscrossed near the fire place. I wrapped her up in the blanket to provide extra warmth.

Sapnap and George followed me and sat on the couch. All I could do was hold Patches close to me and pet her. I didn't want to talk because im definitely on the verge of breaking down again.

She wasn't normally one for being held but i could tell she didn't want to be put down in this moment and i didn't want to let her out of my sight.

Sapnap turned on the TV and George slid down from the couch and sat behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and i looked back at him smiling, a sob threatening to break free again.

I leaned back into him and he very carefully moved so my head was resting on his legs and held me closely while i let those silent emotions escape. He rubbed my cheek softly, wiping those tears away and quietly spoke encouraging words.

I held patches close to my chest, one of her favorite places to lay is close to my heart. I guess it would be literally and figuratively if you think about it.

She may just be a cat to some people but she's my best friend and she means the absolute world to me.

It broke my heart to think that i wouldn't ever see her again. I was just glad i got my best friend back. My mom and sister will be glad to hear about this as well.


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