3: the beauty of it all

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Dream's pov

Their are many beautiful things to appreciate in this world.

Life itself.
Everything around us.

Through-out all the bad in this world, theirs still lots of things we can appreciate. Sometimes it's even just the smallest things.. the smallest moments.

Things like this, this trip George and i are on, this honeymoon. It's beautiful in many different ways.

Marriage itself now feels so surreal.

Years ago way before i even met George. Yeah, i wanted to get married, i wanted to find a life long partner and have a family with them, but i never thought it would happen so soon, in such an unfortunate yet life changing way.

That's the beauty of it all.

They say when life drags you down, theirs always a light at the end of that dark tunnel you were dragged through. That something that makes all the darkness worth it.

George has made everything worth it, and im beyond grateful to have him.

God, he's beautiful.

He himself is beautiful, his appearance, his personality, everything about him.

I have no idea how i got so lucky, but to be right here with the love of my life, in this beautiful resort, on a beach right now. Hell, on our honeymoon?.. it's something i'll cherish forever.

This is one of those beautiful moments i'll never forget.

This is what makes everything worth it.

I can't wait for a life time with him.

End of chapter.

Filler again whoopsie 😅

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