Moving Further

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Eventually Wilbur went back to Charlie's house. He promised that he would bring him back some time soon so that we could all meet him. I'm looking forward to it, i've always thought Charlie is a hilarious guy.

George didn't go, we insisted on letting him stay. It's getting pretty late and he seemed pretty warn out. I guess he had a big day. He did mention how he was stopping by on his way home from something.


I woke up pretty early, everyone else was still asleep. I gathered a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After washing up and hopping out, i changed into a t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. They have the Florida Gators on them. I'm not a big fan of the team but i didn't bring other sweatpants with me.

I brushed my teeth, and combed my hair then quietly made my way to the kitchen.

After taking a minute to decide what might be the best to make everyone, i got out the pans and everything that i needed to cook.

As i was pulling out a pan that i could use to cook the eggs, the handle for the cabinet door slipped out of my hand and the door closed making a bit of a loud noise which made me jump.

I quickly froze and looked around to see if it had woken anyone up. It probably wasn't that loud to the two who were asleep upstairs but it scared me.

I resumed what i was doing and started preparing the food. When i got a second, i grabbed a glass and filled it with water so that i had something to drink.


Soon enough i finished breakfast. I got our plates and silverware and set the table for the 3 of us.

Sapnap and George were still asleep so i walked upstairs.

I made my way into Sapnaps room quietly and shook him whispering quietly. "Sapnap wake up"

He groaned in response.

"Sapnap, i made breakfast wake up"

After a little arguing i managed to get him awake. I told him to come downstairs when he's ready, then i left his room and walked to the spare where George had been sleeping.

I walked in quietly and shook him gently, using the same tone for Sapnap.

"George, breakfast time"

He stretched out before opening his eyes and blinking to adjust to the light. "What time is it?"

I checked my phone. "It's about 9:45, come get breakfast downstairs when you're ready"

He sat up quietly and stretched. I left the room and went back down to the kitchen.


After about 10 minutes of the guys getting ready, they came downstairs ready to eat. I took the opportunity to clean up the kitchen while they were still upstairs.

"It took you two long enough" i chuckled and teased them as they walked over to the table and sat down.

I felt a light punch to my shoulder. "Shut up" Sapnap chuckled at me and sat down.

"This is really good Dream, thank you"

I finished my bite of food and smiled. "Of course"

"I didn't know you could cook?"

I peered over at George, Sapnap cutting me off before i could reply.

"We would of been ordering food if someone didn't cook"

"Pfft" i laughed. "Be grateful, i am a chief." I protested sarcastically.

"Yeah right" Sapnap laughed.

George shook his head laughing at us and continued to eat.

We had all been getting along pretty well over the past few months. It was like we had known each other for ages, we all clicked so well together. We definitely have a strong bond and it makes me very happy.


After breakfast we all hung out on the couch and watched movies while occasionally sharing what we've been up to lately

After about a few hours Sapnap ended up going out with a friend so the house was left with just George and i.

We discussed careers and life plans for the both of us. He told me he's a twitch streamer and that he mainly streams Minecraft.

He also explained to me what MCC was and mentioned that it's coming up soon. Apparently it's the biggest event in the Minecraft community.

It sounded very interesting.

I didn't have much going on at the moment. I used to work as a barista at Starbucks in the city, but once everything went down i ended up quitting.

"Maybe i'll give streaming a thought some day" i blurted out.

George turned to face me pretty quickly. "Really?"

He had a shocked look on his face.

I nodded. "Yeah! It sounds pretty fun"

George smiled.

"I think you would really enjoy it. If you'd like, maybe we can even stream together"

"I'll definitely take it into consideration" i reassured him.

Im gonna think about it, but im 90% sure im going to do it. It would be fun.

The day seemed to fly by. We had talked hours away faster than we realized.

George seemed to be getting tired. I had heard him yawn and then before i knew it, George scooted closer to me and laid his head in my lap.

I looked down at him kind of shocked, i didn't expect the sudden movement, but i didn't hate it either, a smile was starting to creep up on my face.

"Are you tired George?" I spoke quietly and softly.

He nodded his head.

"You know theirs extra beds, you don't have to sleep on the couch"

He huffed, grabbing onto my arm and hugging it. "I wanna be right here"

I couldn't help but smile, i thought it was the sweetest thing.

He opened his eyes and lazily turned to look up at me. "Can you lay down? I wanna cuddle with you"

I smiled and he stood up while he waited for me to move.

I grabbed a blanket that i had loosely hung over the edge and moved my legs up onto the couch.

I laid down in a comfortable position and held my arms out smiling at the brunette. He carefully laid down with me, i wrapped my arms around him and we cuddled.

He looked really peaceful laying there, i guess i didn't realize how tired he actually was.

I could see the details more clearly now. The freckles loosely sprinkled around the bridge of his nose and the apples of his cheeks, the way his lips are parted open ever so slightly, his beautiful brunette hair hanging loosely across his forehead.

Ever since the moment i met him in that elevator, i knew their was something about him. The more we got to talking and hanging out that feeling grew stronger and stronger.

This moment right here, while i have him sprawled out over me, holding him while he's sleeping peacefully made me realize.. i think i may be in love with him.

Disclaimer! I do not ship them in real life, but if they ever express being uncomfortable with it in fanfics or anything at all i will remove this.

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