Thank God.

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TW / hospital

The paramedics rushed him into the hospital, the nurses got him right into a room. I went to the front desk and got myself signed in.

I had to lie and tell them that im in some relation to George or else they wouldn't have let me go through with it.

The nurse told me to take a seat and wait, all i could do was wait at this point.

About 2 hours passed. I must have fallen asleep, i felt someone gently touch my shoulder and shake me awake

"hmm-" i slowly opened my eyes, adjusting them to the hospital lights.

"hey, im sorry to wake you hun" i looked over to see his mom.

I shook my head and stretched. "It's okay, have you heard anything from-"

She shook her head. "Not yet, Brian and i just got here"

I sat up straight, his parents took the seats beside me. "I hope we hear something soon, what time is it?" His mom checked her watch

"It's 8:45"

I looked out over to the doors of the hospital seeing that the sun had already set.


"We came back here in your car, but i thought we'd offer to take you home"

I shook my head

"I want to stay here if i can, im completely fine with overnight"

"Are you sure hun? You don't have a change of clothes or anything"

I nodded "I'll be fine, i have my phone so i can keep you guys updated. I just want to make sure he's okay"

She nodded, a smile appeared on her face. It was the first time id seen her actually smile and honestly i was glad. I felt terrible seeing his parents so bent out of shape about this.

"Well we're gonna go hun, please keep us updated. Oh! And we brought you food" she pulled a bag out of her purse and handed it to me.

"Thank you" i smiled. I really appreciated how sweet his parents were.

"Of course" they stood up, his dad pulling out my keys and handing them to me "We'll see you, keep us updated"

I nodded, kind of confused about why he had handed me the keys.

"We're going to get a taxi, bring our baby home" his mom smiled.

I smiled back reassuringly. "I will."

His parents left and i decided to call sapnap, i wanted to update him about everything."


"Sapnap, im at the hospital with George"

"Oh my god!"

I practically sense a bit of excitement creeping up on sapnap

"Does that mean he was there this whole time?"

"Well... not quite"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the police took us to the scene of the accident"


"His car was there still" i sighed. "god that was tough to see"

Sapnap stayed silent and let me talk.

"It was off the side of this big ass random field in the outskirts, almost 2 hours away from the city"


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