Phase 2: introduction

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It's officially been a little over 7 years since Dream and George's saw each other last. Shortly after the wedding day, A record label contacted Dream wanting to pick him up and help him kick off his singing career. Something he had never told George.

George is still unaware of why Dream left. It was like he fell off the earth, no one has heard from him since. He even went as far as changing his name; but Dream doesn't exist to George anymore. In fact, just a year after Dream ran away, he adopted a kid. It was always something he dreamed of doing one day, but after Dream proved to George that everything with him wasn't what it seemed, he vowed to go through with the adoption and not let what happened take away something he had always dreamed about. He has a little boy named Pierre. he's 6 now.

Dream on the other hand... is drowning in his career. A singing career as one of the most successful artists in the world was something HE always dreamed of having one day, but was it really worth it? To him it felt like he's been spending half of the last 7 years on the road. Paparazzi constantly following his every move, his management and publist trying their best to distract them at all costs, the constant running everywhere because he still refuses to have bodyguards escorting him.. just so he can have that little breath of fresh air. It's not all sunshine and rainbows for him either.

Meanwhile, Sapnap and Karl have been recently been doing everything in their power to try and reconnect the two..

Word count: 117

Surprise!! I've decided to carry on this story. I'm not sure how many more chapters their will be, but i will make sure to work hard at them and make sure they live up to the reputation of the previous chapters. If anyone has any suggestions they'd like me to write, let me know !!

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