They Know

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It's Christmas Eve morning.

Everyone in the house is still asleep but me. I always get too excited around this time of year, probably just as excited as i did when i was a kid. Christmas is my favorite holiday, i love spending time with family and giving and receiving gifts, and the Christmas music. I cherish it very much.

I got up and took a quick shower and put on some nice warm clothes then threw on a sweater and walked out to the front of the house.

I looked out the window to see the snow that we had a couple days ago had been pretty melted by now, i got concerned about our snowman.

I put on my coat and shoes and slipped out the front door.

I walked over to where we had put our snowman and saw that it was pretty much melted, their wasn't much i could do about it right now, but i'll convince them to make a new one later on when it snows more.

I dont want to stay out for too long since it's cold so i made my way back to the front door. As i started opening the door, i heard a very faint.. what i thought sounded like a meow. I quickly paused and looked down then around me.

Their isn't a cat in sight.

I assumed im imagining things again, or maybe the door just creaked a bit and made that sound, so i walked back inside.

After slipping off my shoes and coat i went and sat on the couch and put a show on the TV. I covered up so i could get warm and ended up falling asleep.

About an hour later, i was woken up to someone gently shaking my shoulder

"Hey, wake up" George whispered and gave me one more shake.

I opened my eyes and blinked adjusting them to the light.

"What happened why are you asleep on the couch?"

I sat back up and looked at him.

"I woke up early, I was just watching tv and must have fallen asleep"

Sapnap came from around the corner

"Well it's almost noon, it's time for us to head to lunch remember? my parents are meeting us there"

"Oh yeah! I forgot we were gonna go out and get lunch. I'll drive"

We got all bundled up and made our way out to my car. I got in the drivers seat, George in the front and Sapnap in the back.

I pulled out of the driveway and began heading to the breakfast place. George turned on the radio and "do they know it's Christmas - bandaid" was playing.

This is a song i've always really really enjoyed.

This place isn't too far from our house which made getting there pretty quick. We all got out went inside the building.

I made the lady at the front desk aware that we already had a table and she let us go right in to the dining area.

I looked around for George's parents, alerting the guys when i spotted them and we went to the table and sat down.

"Hey! Happy Christmas Eve guys!" Jolene cheered out"

"Hey happy Christmas Eve" i smiled, George and Sapnap responding after.

After a bit of catching up and talking, we got our food ordered and started eating.

I thought about a conversation that George and i had last night. He told me he was really wanting to come out to her. Both of us suspected that his parents already knew by now, and neither of us are worried.

I thought of an idea to grab George's attention.

"I'm gonna use the restroom real quick" i smiled and got up, nonchalantly tapping George's shoulder a couple times hoping he'd get the idea.

I walked in and waited for him, he walked in a few minutes later.

"What did you need?"

"I know it's random but i was thinking about the conversation we had last night. I was thinking maybe now we can let your parents know while we're here."

"Dream, if you're ready i am too"

I nodded, "I'm more than ready"

"Let's go tell them then"

We walked out of the restroom and made it back to our seats. After a few moments of comfortable silence, George spoke.

"Mum, dad"

I watched as his parents and Sapnap turned their attention to them.

He took a deep breath. "I need to- Dream and i have something to say"

"What is it honey? His mom asked.

"Well, we're dating, we have been for about a month now"

His parents faces lit up and Sapnap smiled.

"Really?" His mother turned her attention between the two of us.

I nodded and smiled. "100%"

His parents both expressed how proud of us they were for telling them this. They both were very supportive about it and it felt so good to finally let them know.

After finishing eating Lunch, we all said our goodbyes and started making our way back home. I noticed it snowed a ton while we were eating lunch, a fluffy blanket of snow laid over the ground now. We must of been in there for a few hours.

"Im really proud of you guys for what you did in that restaurant" Sapnap spoke. "I know how much you wanted to tell them"

"Thank you Sapnap" I smiled. "It feels good to not hide it anymore"

George began to laugh.

"While we were leaving, my mum told me that she suspected it already." He paused for a moment to think.

She said the day you brought me home from the hospital, she went into my room to check up on me one more time before she went to bed and she saw us cuddled up, asleep"

I smiled. "That's adorable"

We arrived back at the house and got out of the car. Sapnap and George went inside and i walked over to the mail box and collected the mail.

It happened again.

While i was standing there reading who each piece of mail was addressed to, i got that same feeling on my leg. This time i felt more force.

I brushed it off of my mind thinking i was just imagining things again and sorted the mail between Sapnap and i.

Until i heard something that made me quickly look down at the ground.

A meow.

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