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I woke up and rubbed my eyes and looked over at the other bed to see if Dream had come back yet.

I sighed when i didn't see him.

He wasn't in his bed and i don't know why. He hasn't seen much of New York, i doubt he really knows his way around here yet.

I got up and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and walked over to the living room area of the hotel room.

I looked over at the couch and there he was. "the-" i was about to speak before i realized he's here now, and asleep.

I let out a breath of relief before walking over to the couch and carefully shaking him awake.

"Dream" i whispered.

"mmm" was all i got

"Dream wake up" i shook him again.

He caved in and turned to face me and rubbed his eyes. "what time is it"

"It's 9am. Where were you last night?"

I waited for him to sit up and move over then i sat down beside him.

I watched the expression on his face quickly change.

"What do you mean?"

"Dream, i woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and you weren't anywhere to be found in this hotel room. Please"

He sighed.


"I was at Central Park"

"Why were you at the park so late?"

"Just to get some fresh air y'know?, i needed to clear my mind."

I nodded. I knew things had been tough for him lately.

"If you needed to talk or anything you should of woken me up, i would of been right here. I was worried."

He scoffed. "We both know how you are when someone wakes you up"

"Oh speak for yourself" i fired back and laughed. "You are terrifying to wake up dude"

"Okay fine, fine! You're right." He chuckled. "Im sorry I didn't wake you up"

"It's okay" i reassured him and gave him a pat on the back. "i just wish you would of left a note or something, i would have been more than willing to listen."

"I understand"

Have you checked your phone? i called so many times."

"I haven't i shut it off" he moved his hair out of his face.

"I figured"

He picked up his phone quickly and checked to see the multiple missed calls and texts he'd had from me. "Shoot, im sorry."

"It's okay Dream.

I watched as one particular thing made him smile. I couldn't help but be curious.

"What's up?"

He continued typing for a second before looking up at me

"I was just checking something. Hey do you want breakfast? I was thinking about making some before we head back out into town."

I nodded, growing a little suspicious of what had just happened. I didn't want to push too far and make him uncomfortable though

"I would love some"

"Perfect" he got up quickly and headed for the kitchen.

"I'm gonna shower  and get ready real quick" I got up and headed back to the room, grabbing some clothes and a towel. I headed into the bathroom and began my shower.




I got out about 15 minutes later. I changed into the outfit i picked for the day then finished getting ready before drying and brushing my hair, and teeth.

As i made my way into the hall i heard some talking. I stopped walking and listened closer.

It didn't sound like Dream. In fact, this person.. has an accent?

Confused, i walked back into the bedroom and put my dirty laundry in a basket then i walked back out to the kitchen area.

"Sapnap!" I heard Dream cheerfully call out.

"Dream?? Who's this?" I walked over to them and asked.

"This is my friend, i met him at the park. His name is George." Dream had a cheeky smile.

"Nice to meet you George" i shook his hand with a polite smile.

He shook it back.

"Nice to meet you Sapnap" he smiled.

Dream looked back at me.

"I invited him for breakfast, if you don't mind?"

I was still pretty confused, but i didn't mind.

"no no of course not, he's more than welcome to stay." I smiled.

George looked at me

"So Sapnap right?, ive heard a lot about you, you seem like a pretty cool guy" he smiled.

"Really? Thank you George"

"You're welcome"

"Im curious to know"

He gave me a look like he already knew where this was going

"Where are you from? I noticed your accent-"

He laughed. "Im from England. My parents got a huge job opportunity that they were required to move here for, and they took it. We've been here for about a year now."

I could see Dream out of the corner of my eye watching us, he seemed to be enjoying us getting along.

"Oh really? That's pretty cool! I knew their was no way you're American, but was wondering how you ended up here" i laughed.

"Yeah! I get asked a lot actually" he laughed.

"I can see why" i laughed. You seemed to already know where my question was going the second i asked it."

"I had a sneaky suspicion" he continued laughing. "but it's okay, it's fun to play a guessing game of how long will it be till someone asks, but i don't mind it"

We all continued to talk for a bit. Dream and i got to know George more, and more about why he moved here as well as explaining things to him like why were in a hotel and not back in our house at the moment.

To put in some backstory, we live more in the outskirts rather than the big city. This was our "get away" trip for the weekend to get Dreams mind off of things.

We had already been here for about a week and I'd say things went pretty well.

I didn't expect to make a new friend, but George seems pretty cool. I find it exciting


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