Inside a Waffle house

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"What do you want." Sapnap asked. "Please, just hear me out." Dream pleaded. Sapnap sighed. "You have 5 minutes to get out whatever it is you so badly HAD to call me for". Dream sighed. "I need you to talk to George for me"

"Now why would i do that?! He isn't going to want to talk to you." Sapnap replied. "Which is why i called you. Look, im going to fix everything" Dream sighed. "You just have to give me a chance."

"Mmm i don't know "

"Please, Sapnap?"

"He put a lot of trust into you, Dream."

Dream went silent.

"For what? 10 ish years, he thought he knew you, WE thought we knew you, but you left without saying a word, without leaving an explanation, it was like nobody knew you anymore. Like nobody even mattered to you."

Dream shook his head and whispered. "I know, i know."

"You left PATCHES here for crying out loud. How could you do that to a pet, Dream?"

"She's with my mom..."

"Shut the fuck up. Do you hear yourself right now Dream? You're pathetic."

"Sapnap, just stop for one second i-"

"Don't fucking tell me to stop."

"Okay okay, im sorry."

"Mhm." Sapnap huffed.

"Just... i need to meet up with you guys somewhere."

"George is at work right now."

"After.. he gets off."

"Fine. But i swear to god Dream, i love you but if you hurt him again im gonna kick your-"

"Got it. Waffle House on Main St." Dream said.

"We'll be there by 6:30" Sapnap replied.

"Sharp." Dream added.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."


Dream is sitting in his car still, staring at the beauty of the Waffle House sign. He hasn't been this nervous in a very long time. This stuff is always hard, especially after doing such a terrible thing to the people he loves the most, but he knew he had to do it. He knows if he just gets the bandaid ripped off now it'll all be worth it in the end. It should. Even if the outcome from this isn't quite the one he was hoping for, at least he took accountability.

He watched as Sapnap and George walked into the restaurant just a few minutes ago. It's crazy to actually see them in person after such a long time. For 7 years they didn't see each other, didn't even speak.


"Thank you guys so much for actually giving me this chance." Dream said.

The other two were silent.

Dream nodded. "George, i definitely need to start with you. For years, you were the best part of my life, my reason to keep going, my favorite person in the entire world."

George nodded.

"And well, i was a coward."

Sapnap snickered. "Was."

Dream glared. "Yeah, was. Because up until today, i was too scared to come to terms with my feelings. But I'm putting a stop to that today. Right here, right now."

The guys nodded.

"George, i got too caught up in the music career. I knew what was coming, that i had just gotten all of these different offers and deals with record companies, and that i would be getting ready to do countless amounts of tours, and i knew that you wouldn't want to drop your entire life and go with me, especially since you had just found your new life here in Florida."

"But why didn't you ask me?" George replied. His voice small and quiet.

Dream shook his head. "I guess i was afraid of what the answer would be. I was selfish, i assumed that it would be a no and was too scared to face that. So i left and hurt myself before any dumb answer could hurt me."

"Dream... why did you automatically think i was gonna say no?" George frowned.

Dream shook his head. "I guess i just expected the worse."

Sapnap glared at Dream. "Look who really should have expected the worse" he mumbled.


"Not sorry."

"Anyway, im sorry George. You didn't deserve what i put you through, and you definitely didn't deserve my disappearance especially without explanation.

"Yeah, no kidding" Sapnap butted. Dream sighed.

"If you're willing to give me a chance, i want to make things right again. I want to prove to you that im not just some no good coward."

Sapnap laughed.

"You mean the entire world to me, George. I put that ring on your finger 7 years ago to prove that, and i'm so ashamed that i broke it." Dream showed his hand. "I've always kept mine on, and i hope to one day rekindle the meaning behind it."

"Dream.." George spoke softly. "I put a lot of trust in you, that was a lot of trust that you broke. That ring is really powerful. Marriage is really powerful."

"I know, i know" Dream shook his head. "I still have so much love for you, George.. i never stopped loving you, and i never will. If you give me the opportunity, I'll make things right. I'll never betray your trust ever again."

The three of them went silent for a moment before George spoke again.

"Dream... just, i really just need some time to think about this." Dream nodded. "Take all the time you need." he spoke softly. "I understand this is a lot to take in."

"It is... i just need to learn to trust you again, Dream."

"I understand."

"And Sapnap-" Dream begin to add. "I know regaining your trust is going to be 10 times harder, especially after everything we went through together and what we built from our childhood. But i hope to one day regain your trust as well."

"Time." Sapnap replied

Dream nodded and stood up. "I'm going to spend the rest of the summer at my parents house. If you ever need to find me that's where i'll be, but in the mean time i really hope we can regain what we had together before."

Their was silence from George and Sapnap.

"Dream" Sapnap said.

Dream turned around to look at the two.

"Tell your mom i said hi"

Dream sighed. "Yeah."

"And Dream?" Sapnap added.

"Yeah Sapnap?"

"Patches says hi".

"Dream frowned. Patches was his whole world and now he's not even sure if she would remember him since it's been so long. Dream proceeded to walk out of the Waffle House and get back in his car.

"Good god-" he held his head in his hands. "That was so stupid, George is never gonna love me again. Not like before."

Dream sighed.

"What am i even doing?"

Word count: 1108

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