The answer.

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The next morning rolled around. Sapnap and George were sitting in the living room, flipping through TV channels watching whatever looks interesting. They have yet to receive a word from Dream. Sapnap was on the couch scrolling through his phone mindlessly.

"No way! Look at this!" Sapnap yelled as he held his phone up and walked over to George."

"What is this?"

"It's a news article, you might wanna read it."

George took the phone and began to read it.

It read:
"Frankie Mendes, assumed to be Manager of Blue House Productions sued for malpractice, misconduct, manipulation and controlling clients through fake contracts set to keep them under his wing for the money."

George gasped. "Wait..."

"Blue house productions! Isn't that!" Sapnap butted

"Dreams label?" George asked.

"I think so- i mean... it's been so long i can't remember." Sapnap stated.

"Im pretty sure this is it" George continued to read.

"You don't think?" George asked.

"What? That Dream did it? George that's the most-"

"Wait wait" George said. He continued to read the article.

"His last victim, Singer & Songwriter, Dream, to take him to court. Mendes had him under his fake no-contact contract for 7 years in a row. Dream says he was able to slip away from Mendes just 3 weeks ago at the end of his tour. The trial is happening today at 3pm. The crew at WFTV will have updates at the scene."

"Dream thing ever-" Sapnap added.

"See! I knew that was his label!"

"Wait that's happening today!!" Sapnap yelled. George was silent.

Sapnap looked at him. "George?"

George's expression turned into a blank, pale stare as he re read the article.

"George?" Sapnap asked again.

"He was right..." George spoke softly.

"What do you mean?"

"He couldn't talk about it, this is why."

"Don't worry, he'll be able to explain everything to us now George."

"This just did ... I was a jerk."

"George no-" Sapnap took his phone. "You we're mad George it's okay, things were very heated in that moment."

George hung his head. "I made him cry.."

"George-" Sapnap hugged him. "You we're hurt. I'm sure he'll understand, we'll talk to him when he gets here tonight."

"Dude!" Sapnap yelled as he opened the door to let Dream in.

Dream was hesitant at first to say anything. It had been so long since he'd seen this house, and it looked the exact same. He looked around taking everything in. He looked around at everything as the memories kept flooding back to him.

"Earth to Dream!" he heard as he snapped back into reality.

"Huh? Oh sorry" he turned his attention back to Sapnap.

"How did it go?" George asked.

Dream paused. "You saw?"

"How wouldn't we?" Sapnap laughed. "It was all over the news."

"I heard they literally broadcasted the trial." George added.

Dream sighed. "Now do you see why this was so complicated for me? And why I left for so long?"

"I'm so sorry you were put into that situation, people are awful." George said

"How'd you escape him?" Sapnap asked

"It sucked not being able to talk to you guys for years on end ... I know i missed so much" Dream replied.

"We just finished up our last show of the tour and we're having an after party to celebrate. I told him i had a phone call i needed to take and walked outside, but what he didn't know is i had a friend waiting outside to pick me up. We just booked it."

"And you got on a plane and everything without him knowing?" Sapnap asked.

"I guess so, I mean... I never received any calls or texts from him."

"I guess you really won't be now that he's behind bars."

"Thank god. He sucked, i knew when i was signing up for that company that something was off..." Dream crossed his arms.

"Unfortunately it had to be the hard way."

"Yeah..." Dream sat down. "I need to ask you guys something though.

"Yeah anything" George replied.

"We're listening" sapnap added.

The two of them sat down one after the other.

"So... now that we know the truth behind this... do you forgive me?"

The room went dead silent for a few moments as the three of them stared at each other. And almost as if it was on queue, Sapnap and George got up and yelled.


Dream started laughing. "I take that as a yes."

"Don't ever scare us like that again!" George said.

"I'll be sure to read the fine print next time."

The three of them burst out into laughter. It was at this moment that Dream knew, he had his best friends back for good.

End of chapter.

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