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It had been a couple months since Dream and i went into the City and met George. We were back home now and things have been pretty chill. George was hanging out with us atleast 2-3 times a week, practically living with us on the weekends. It has been a blast

Dream seems to be doing a lot better. Football was on today, and my god that man was being so loud. So much yelling. I'm happy for him though, at least his team won.

After all that yelling, his voice wasn't too far from being completely shot, so i made some tea.

I carried it over to him carefully and he sat up and took it.

"Thank you Sapnap, you didn't have to, i was gonna do this" he gave me a smile.

"I see you do it nearly every time, and i figured this would be one of those times you need it. I saved you the hassle"

"Well i appreciate it" he smiled and took a sip of the tea.

I went back to clean up the kitchen while Dream went back to watching TV.

I put the tea back in the cupboard, and just as i was throwing trash away, i heard a knock at the door. I quickly stopped what i was doing.

Dream sat up and turned his attention to the door as well.

I ran over expecting it to be George, but i was very shocked when i opened it.


"Hello Sapnap!" He smiled all cheerfully and hugged me.

I hugged him back with a smile then backed up so he could come inside. "Wilbur- come in! What are you- how are- what?"

Wilbur laughed at me and walked in.

"I'm staying here with Charlie for a couple months. I'm visiting some American friends and i thought id pay you guys a visit while im here."

"Well it's nice to see you, wow" i laughed. "It's been so long."

I shut the front door before i forgot "Come take a seat in the living room man"

He smiled and followed after me as i directed him to the living room.

"Wilbur, this is Dream, Dream this is Wilbur"

Wilbur turned to Dream and smiled followed by a wave. "Hello Dream! Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too!" He responded as well as he could

Wilbur laughed and looked over at me. "He doesn't sound good"

"Football day"

"Ah that makes sense" he responded with a nod and sat down on a chair turning his attention over to Dream.

I sat down on the couch.

"Did your team win?"

Dream nodded.

"Let's go!!! That's always fun" Wilbur smiled and held his hand out to give Dream a high five. Dream followed suite.

"So Dream, are you from here?"

Dream shook his head. "I'm from Florida, i just recently moved in with Sapnap."

"Oh really! how are you liking it here?" Wilbur leaned back in his chair.

"It's beautiful here. Definitely taking time to get used to but im enjoying it"

"Good good. I'm glad you're liking it"

"How do you and Sapnap know each other?" Dream asked Wilbur.

"We met from Twitch, the community brought our whole group together"

"Oh really? That's pretty cool"

"Yeah i think it's cool. How do you know Dream?"

Dream chuckled. "Well we've known each other for years, we met on a Minecraft server when we were just kids"

"Really? You've got a great friendship going" Wilbur smiled. "Childhood friends are always nice"




We all talked for a little while. I caught up with Wilbur, while Wilbur and Dream got to know each other before we heard another knock at the door.

"I'll get it" i got up and walked back over to the door while Wilbur and Dream continued to talk.

"Hey Sapnap!" I heard from the hall as i opened the door.

"George! Hi"

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Wilbur sit up and turn his attention to the door very quickly.

"George!?!" He called out.

George looked over my shoulder to see who had called his name.


"George!" He got up and quickly walked over to us, hugging George once he approached him.

"What are you doing in the US? I haven't seen you in forever how have you been?" He asked happily.

"I live here now" he smiled.

"Really?? Why wasn't i aware? Ive missed you man!"

"No no it's okay! A job opportunity brought me here"

Dream walked over to us.

"You guys know each other??" His attention shifted between Wilbur and George"

"We have known each other for ages" Wilbur stated.

George laughed. "It's been quite a while yeah"

"Really? That's pretty cool" Dream smiled.

So how do you guys know each other?" Dream asked, wondering about George and Wilbur"

"Well the situation with George and i is a bit different. We both used to live in the UK and we share a mutual friend, Tommy Innit. He's brought us together over time."

"That's pretty cool!" Dream replied.

"My question now" Wilbur chimed in. "How do you three know each other?" He looked over at me.

"Well, Dream met George a few months ago at Central Park. We decided to start having George over and just clicked from there."

"Oh really? That's pretty cool"

"Yeah it was pretty cool how it happened" Dream nodded with a smile.

George smiled.



We all got carried away in conversation for hours. Wilbur and George catching up, as well as Wilbur and i. We all learned so many new things about each other today.

I thought it was amazing how all of this worked out. It's amazing how the littlest things can lead to things like this.

How every decision we make determines everything in our life. Even if it's the smallest decision. It sounds terrifying, but it can lead to good things. Great things.

I'm grateful for the friends i have and the experiences i get to have.


This may have sounded like a story closer but i promise it's not, more chapters are coming!!

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