We Have A Problem.

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TW / Angst !! Car wreck mention !!


I woke up the next morning and rubbed my eyes. I let out a smile when remembered George was still clung to me. I was very content with this, i would hold him until the world ends and even after that if he'd let me.

If he'd let me. That's the thing.

I don't know how he feels about this, or if us cuddling means anything that serious to him. He could have just been too tired to mind.

I'll talk to him about this later once he's up.

About an hour passed, it was now 9am.

I took a shower and did everything i needed to get ready, made breakfast for all of us, Sapnap woke up about 45 minutes ago and George just 5. Were sitting at the table now eating.

"Did you guys sleep well last night? You two looked pretty comfy on that couch" Sapnap teased.

"Shut up" a laugh slipped out.

I had to look away for a quick second to avoid either of them seeing the light blush that had
just painted itself across my face.

Soon enough we finished eating breakfast and i gathered everyone's plates and took them to the sink.

Sapnap went into the living room and dove onto the couch, and George stayed at the table going through his phone.

I began washing the sink full of dishes we had gotten a little behind on and it dawned on me that George hadn't been home in for a few days.

I peered over to George for a quick second before going back to focusing on the dishes.

"Are you going to need to go home for anything?"

"What do you mean?" He looked up from his phone.

"Well you've been here for a few days, i don't want to make you feel like you have to stay until we kick you out or something" i chuckled.

"Actually i may need to for a few hours, my parents said they want to do something with me"

"Do you need a ride? I can drive you, pick you up when you're finished"

"No no it's okay, i brought my car" he laughed

"Oh yeah! That's right! I forgot" i couldn't help but laugh. I'd been so caught up in all the fun we've been having it completely slipped my mind.

George went and took a shower while i finished up washing everything, at this point my hands looked like raisins from how long i had been at it.

"I'll text you when im on my way back" George smiled and grabbed his keys off the hook right beside the door.

"Perfect" i smiled.

George went to his car and buckled up. I watched as he pulled out of the driveway and began his drive home, i shut the door behind him on his way out.

The next day rolled around. Sapnap and i were out moseying around the mall and occasionally dipping into little stores and buying whatever sounds pleasing to us at the time.

It had been about 19 hours since George left Sapnap and i's house, neither of us have heard a single word from him since then.

I hope nothing bad happened
I hope he didn't get sick of us

To be fair he was here for a few days, i'd get sick of myself if i was in his shoes.


I felt someone touch my shoulder and snapped back to reality.

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