Cold. So cold.

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TW / hospital, graphic, accident mention

I collected myself and knocked on the door to George's parents house. His mom came out and immediately pulled me into a hug.

I wanted to break right there in the moment but i needed to stay strong for her. This isn't how i planned to meet his parents, if it was going to happen at all.

I wanted to at least have George with me, but instead im stood by myself, standing in fear wondering where he could be and what's wrong, if he's hurt at all.

She pulled away after a few seconds and rubbed my arm.

"I'm so sorry we had to meet like this" she looked up at me. "George talks about you all the time"

My facial expression turned to shock

"Really?" She nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "All the time, ive lost count of how many times he's mentioned wanting to bring you to meet us. She smiled. "You seem like a very sweet guy"

That made me smile. It sounded like a good sign

We stood in silence before she stepped back out of the way of the door. "Come in"

I thanked her and walked in, taking my shoes off right at the door. She closed the door behind us.

"Did you call any hospitals after we got off the phone?"

She nodded. "I called the one closest to here. According to them, he's not there"

I frowned. Theirs a few other hospitals around, just farther. I still had hope that he got taken to one of those. Something sparked my mind.

"Have the police released a statement?"

She shook her head. "Unfortunately not yet, they're trying to find him before they take more serious measures."

I huffed quietly. The way missing people are dealt with has always annoyed me. In my opinion, since they couldn't find him in his car, they should have declared him missing right away.

I shook my head, trying to shake away the tears that were creeping back. "i hate that"

She nodded and rubbed my arm again. Her presence has always felt really safe and comforting. "I know hun, it sucks but we'll find him."

I nodded "we're gonna find him."

I think both of us needed the reassurance.

She directed me to the dining table and we went and sat and talked about what had happened and thought of any ideas we could use to find his location.

"His location" i thought to myself. I looked over at her "can they track his phone?"

"I asked them about that, they said his phone had been smashed"

"sma-" I thought to myself for a minute.
"Wait.. if he got into an accident, was another car involved, did he just lose control and hit something really hard, how was his phone-.."

"According to the police, no one else was involved. Although they don't have a statement yet, it's believed that he hit a tree."

Her voice cracked again. She wiped away silent tears that were beginning to fall down her face.

I winced at the thought of that.

I was about to say something when a man came walking into the kitchen, who i assume is George's father.

He looked just as distraught as the rest of us, a phone in his hand.

He looked at me for a second, before looking over at George's mom.

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