Chapter 21: Shadows & Light

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✦Azriel POV✦

I was awoken by strays of sunlight making their way through the dirty window.
My face was nestled in the nape of Misma's neck and I heard light snores escape her mouth. I shifted on the mattress so that I was able to take a look at her and tucked in my wings.

Misma was perfection, lying there in front of me. The blanket I had draped over her had moved down to her lower legs, creasing slightly. Her knees were bent, the tiny flimsy nightgown that really left little to imagination perfectly fitted around her curves. It had moved upwards and her lovely and round hips were exposed.

Touch her. She is yours. So pretty. So beautiful. We love her, my shadows whispered— I tried to ignore them, telling them to calm the fuck down. Obviously, they went crazy around her, loved her, and wanted me to claim her as mine.

My arm hung loosely over her middle. Misma's long hair was splayed out in every place, giving me the perfect access to the nape of her neck and her shoulder. I snuggled closer to her again, brushing my lips over the soft skin of her neck before placing small kisses there. Inhaling deeply, I took in her scent.

Her scent was infatuating, it set me on fire and nearly made my eyes roll back in my head. She smelled like roses and lilies with a slight note of peppermint. In contrast to that her skin tasted sweet like honey. But I wanted to taste all of her. Not only the skin of her neck or her mouth. I would even fall on my knees and beg just for her to let me taste all of her.

I honestly needed to control myself, I could not get lost in thoughts like this. Not right now.

Misma sighed slightly when I let my tongue run over her soft skin and her small hand reached backwards and landed on my hand with which I had been rubbing her hipbone. Her soft palm touch me and she grabbed my hand firmly and pulled it forward before nestling her face into it.

My hand burned, a beautiful burn, and my thoughts already wandered of to dark places of my mind. I started thinking about what her hand would feel wrapped around—Fuck, no.

My mind could not go there, not yet. I would only allow these thoughts in the dead of night. When I was alone. When even my shadows were asleep.

In an instant I was hard. Rock hard and I wanted to move away from Misma, but she quickly held my arm tightly and pulled me close again. "Don't," she mumbled into my hand before placing a kiss to the palm of it. I slightly freaked out behind her, my pants nearly ripping open by the building pressure. Since when were these pants so damn tight? The growing bulge reached a level of near pain and internally I sent every prayer to the Mother that Misma hopefully would not understand the shift in my scent.

"Morning, sunshine," I whispered, which came out more hoarse and breathy than I had planned.

"Morning, Shadowsinger," the beautiful female in my arms hummed and a smile spread over my face.

"Ready for today?" 

"Not yet."

She shifted slightly, rubbing her ass against me which made a groan erupt from some deep part of my throat. I just hoped she did not notice or at least did not mind how hard I was at that point.

She blinked a few times when she had fully turned over, sleep still obvious on her face, and then looked up at me through her lashes, wiggling and shifting a bit uneasy.

Misma reached a hand forward, brushed it over my face, looking at me with tired eyes. Her soft fingertips traced my cheek, then my jaw.

"Why are you so perfect?" she mumbled. I stared at her in utter disbelief, feeling tears dwell in my eyes. The back of my throat burned when I took in the loving way in which she looked up at me.

Azriel | Lux Ex Tenebris ✓Where stories live. Discover now