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✧Misma POV✧

"So I heard daddy was very scared today?" I chirped, letting myself fall onto the couch and consequently onto my mate. I had just returned from bringing Elvyn to bed. The poor child had nearly fallen asleep while brushing his teeth and immediately passed out the moment his head hit the pillow. Even though my stomach still twisted with fear over him flying, I was so immensely proud of my little boy.

"Cruel thing. As I said, not as scared as mummy always is." Azriel grinned when bringing my hand up to his face and placing a kiss to my knuckles. "It was amazing. Scary somehow, but seeing him fly...gods, I have no words." Warmth spread through the bond, alongside the feeling of pure pride and utter admiration.

"I believe that. Next time I really want to see him."

Azriel hummed and his hand moved from my arm to my round belly, his fingertips softly brushing over the skin. One could already feel the edges of wings and sometimes hands or feet press against the skin. Weirdly, I wasn't doing as well as when I had been pregnant with Elvyn but still I was fine. I had to throw up many mornings, felt exhausted most of the time and was in pain quite some days. It was just different, but the child was doing well, according to Madja. And that was actually what mattered most to me. Azriel was not so fine with it, terribly worried that something would happen to me, but I always managed to convince him that it was fine.

When the baby all of a sudden turned a tiny bit which made the edge of its wing scrape against...something inside of me, I made a little jump, sucking in air and gritting my teeth. My hand clutched my belly and I stiffened, before releasing air through my mouth. I groaned and shifted my hips so that I could change my position on the couch. Azriel was on high alert, his face laced with worry and some gloomy emotion when his gaze met mine. "Shit. I am so sorry."

"Why do you apologise?" I inhaled deeply and softly pressed my hand down on my belly. The wing apperently moved a bit and all was fine again.

"Because he got the wings from me."

"And? As much as I remember I wanted another baby as much as you did," I told my mate, tilting my head back and leaning it against his shoulder. "Still, the wings are—"
"From you. Yes, but there is nothing to apologise for. This is our baby and we...made it together. So, wings or not, you don't have to apologise." I added a kiss to his chest to my uttering, my hand coming to a rest right over his heart. "Just keep stroking my belly, please. Warmth is good," I whispered, closing my eyes.

Azriel did as told, his head dropping to mine. He placed a kiss to my temple and inhaled my scent. I smiled against his chest, feeling his heart beat underneath my hand. His lips coasted the side of my face and he hummed some melody which was probably once of the songs he always sang to our son. His chest heaved, the soft vibrations thrumming against my back and soothing every sore and tender muscle. Gods, it was these moments I savoured so much.

But then my mate had to move.

"Wait, I have a better idea." And with that Azriel wiggled out from underneath me, let me slide down onto the couch and sat up. My eyes blinked open and I gave him a questioning look, while my lips pouted. The warmth and soothing touch of his fingers was gone and I already craved it.

I made grabby hands into his direction and pouted my lips even further. Azriel only chuckled and blew me a kiss.

With both his hands he made quick work and shoved my dress up—up until it pooled under my breasts. I lifted my hips to make it easier for him. He smirked at me at that, the movement probably being very familiar to him. Azriel went into a kneeling position, moving between my thighs, before clumsily yet softly lying down and lowering his face to me. Then he started plastering the skin of my round belly with kisses, his thumbs tracing idle circles around my navel. My legs were bent, feet resting on either side of his torso and his wings resting on my knees. "Better?"

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