Chapter 69: Sister to Sister

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~this is fiction but still a war will be discussed; with everything going on in our world right now I just want to give this warning to not read on if you don't feel comfortable~

✧Misma POV✧

"Mor, you and I will winnow the Darkbringers up to the Illyrian Mountains. I am not sure if we can hold the front until the other High Lords arrive, but we will have to try our best. Feyre, you come with me. I will winnow you up first."

Without warning Vallahan and Rask have attacked and Ironcresdt has turned into the first battlefield.

Storming outwards the Valkyrie generals wasted no second, giving their orders to the others and mounting their Pegasi. Lucien would winnow Elain, Jurian and Vassa up to the war camp.
"Az, you get Misma up there. Misma you immediately find a place to hide there. Here it is no longer safe with all of us up there. Azriel, you join the battle as soon as we arrive."

There was no room for objection although I felt it through the bond that Azriel was about to protest. It was an order from our High Lord and we had to accept it. Reluctantly my mate dipped his chin at the High Lord, before Rhys and Feyre alongside Mor stormed out of the huge dining room. Azriel's hand clasped mine and he pulled after him.
The scene which was presented to us outside was mesmerising and terrifying at the same time.

The three Valkyrie Generals, leading eight other Valkyries over a cloudless sky riding their Pegasi. The Pegasi were stunning—powerful and majestic. Once again pure pride about these females being my friends rippled through me. I only smiled for a brief second before callused fingers curled around my wrist. "Whatever happens today, you, Misma, my mate, stay safe and survive." I spun around, eyes of cold hazel meeting mine.

"Azriel, we both get out of this. For us, for our future. And so will our family." Getting on my tip toes, I quickly pecked my mate's lips, his wings already flapping behind him. Then he picked me up, pressing me tightly to his chest. I buried my face in the crook of Azriel's neck, inhaling his scent one last time when we took off and flew over the Night Court in silence. Our target, Ironcrest. There would have been a lot to talk about, but neither of us felt like talking. I had a lot of questions. But they could wait. The silence was good, it made my head cool down a bit and my heart stopped beating so fast. I knew this was only the calm before the storm.

I felt my body shake and tremble, knowing that it did not only come from the cool wind hitting our bodies when he flew over the tree tops, closer to the clouds.

Azriel grabbed me tighter, holding me as close as possible. I allowed myself to close my eyes for a few moments when he winnowed us closer to Ironcrest. Azriel had only told me a bit about it; I hardly knew anything not like it was with Windhaven where my mate had met his brothers.

Only when I felt us decrease height I opened my eyes to glimpse over the huts and houses of the war camp. What lay beyond them was terrifying on a whole new level. Warriors—thousands of warriors— were already heavily fighting the Illyrians. Lucien, Jurian and Vassa being among them. The Valkyries had not yet arrived.

My feet touched the ground first and everything in me coiled. A fire blazed through my throat and I held tightly onto Azriel. I could not let go yet. Not when I knew that any minute he would join them.

"I had this made for you, hoping it would never come the point where I am gifting you that."

Azriel fetched me back to reality and my gaze met his for a brief second before it landed on the thing in his hand. A dagger. "A dagger?"

"Your dagger. It is made of the same iron as Truth-Teller and also the hilt is the same material."

It was beautiful and had small stones the colour of Azriel's siphons on them. "Thank you." Azriel pecked my lips, handing me the dagger. It was oddly cold against my palm, but I clasped it tightly.
"What are you going to call it?" 

Azriel | Lux Ex Tenebris ✓Where stories live. Discover now