Chapter 51: The High Lords of Prythian

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What happened in the years between ACOSF and Misms showing up: Through Briallyn's death Beron lost his ties to the continent. The other High Lords found out about it, Rhysand told them about the Blood Rite, that she showed up etc. so nothing fell back on Eris and he was not seen as a traitor from his father. The High Lords pressured him to support Prythian and not Koschei or the other Mortal Queens, practically forced him and so he had to give in. He obeyed being too afraid of the consequences.


✧Misma POV✧

"You are alright?" Azriel asked for what felt like the twentieths time, letting his arms slid around my waist and pulling me towards his chest. His skin was cooler than normal, something like unease and anguish radiating from his figure.

I bowed my head. "Yes, love. I am. Really, really fine. Please, stop worrying," I whined, slamming my head back against his chest.

"I lost you for minutes, I will never stop worrying again. This was the worst pain I have ever felt," he reasoned.

I spun around in his arms, leaned my chin against his chest and looked up at him while eunning my hands up his arms.

"I know. But nothing can happen at the High Lords meeting. I think no other place is as protected as Thesan's palace for the meeting. I will be fine. And you won't lose me!"

And with that he lifted me onto the dresser behind me. Slowly pushing my legs apart, placing himself between them. Bracing his hands on my thighs, he leaned his forehead against mine.

"You are right. But I am not sure if you should try the scrying again?"

"I will try it again. I know what I have done wrong and I know what I have to do in order for it to go right," I mumbled, my lips only mere inches away from his. I could feel his chest rumble, heart beating way too quickly and pain spreading all throughout the thred of the bond.

"But what—"

"Nothing. Let's not talk about it. Only after the meeting," I quickly stated, placing my lips on his. He parted his lips only slightly, letting my tongue slip into his mouth.

Pulling away, I quickly licked over my lips and looked up into his eyes. "What do you think Eris meant by another made up story. It won't leave my mind. It is so odd."

"Look, I am not fond of Eris, not at all, so I have no idea. Probably some bullshit he is saying. When I found Mor she blabbered a lot of things and I partly did not even listen because I felt like I had to tell her about what I felt which I absolutely regret now. It was the worst thing I could have done in that moment, but I was young and did not think twice." I swallowed, leaning my forehead against his chin. He had told me about Mor and him. About everything between them. I understood, of course, he was over 540, it would have been weird if he had not been in love before. Still something in my chest tightened at the thought of the two of them.

"And concerning Eris...neither Cassian nor I are too fond of him. Of course it had gotten better, but if push comes to shove both of us will believe Mor and not Eris. I think you should, too, but that is of course up to you. Whom you want to believe."

His breath tickled my ear when he leaned in to place a kiss against the side of my head. I nodded, my hands moving up to his shoulders.

"In order to believe either I want to hear their whole stories first, but I am not quite ready to talk to Eris and I think he also would not be too fond of telling me about his past with Mor. Or would ever want to do this, as this is something quite private," I murmured, my hands slightly massaging my mate's utterly tense and taut shoulders. I felt him nod, his hands slowly sneaking around my waist while he pulled me closer to him.

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