Chapter 60: Skulls & Bones

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✧Misma POV✧

"I still don't get what you want from me now?"

There was no time for rest. It was only afternoon, just a few hours after our return from the Autumn Court.

After Feyre and Rhys had returned from the Autumn Court they were immediately ready to bring me to the Hewn City. My High Lord and Lady as well as my mate were waiting in the Thrown Room while I went to talk to Jeen. Not only talk to her, also to go on the locket hunt with her. Azriel did not want me to go to her alone but I somehow managed to convince him that it was for the best. She would never talk if he was here.

"Jeen, please concentrate. Please, think," I mumbled, staring straight into her eyes. "Grandmother has given you something a very, very long time ago. When I wasn't even born. A lid to a locket and she told you to hide it. Do you remember where you hid it?"

"Nope!" she snapped, looking past me towards the window, her gaze bored and languid. We had been sitting here for nearly an hour, me going over the whole thing over and over again.

"Jeen, you must remember. You are so smart and you have always been. Please, Jeen, try to remember."
"I don't want to. And I don't want to remember grandmother. She always favoured you anyways. Why did she not give the lid to you?" she snarled, turning her head towards me in a swift movement. Strands of her long hair slid over her shoulder. Her glowing long hair that I had always envied when growing up — now dull and matted.

"Jeen, do not make it any more difficult than it already is. As I said I wasn't born back then. I thought we were on a good way of making up?" I breathed out, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment. "Misma, do you not get it? You destroyed everything. With moving up to your oh so perfect mate you ripped us apart!"
"Jeen you do remember what had happened before all of that, right?"

"Yes, you could have become the Princess of the Autumn Court, you oh so perfect daughter and female," she hissed, bracing her hands on the table. I shook my head, having absolutely enough of her shit. "But then greedy as you are you had to take the Spymaster to your bed. The oh so prude and innocent Misma now getting thoroughly fu—"

"Just because your relationship is shit or destroyed it does not mean you have to blame me for being in love and happy. I did not do anything wrong. All my life I did exactly what you wanted from me, always!" I shouted, jumping to my feet and slamming my palms on the table in front of me. She gasped, shock quite obvious on her face. She had not expected that. Now the little, calm Misma was no longer so little nor calm.

"You concentrate now and think about where you hid it or you will meet a very unpleasant side of me. You could for once in your life do something for me in exchange, I after all saved your ass way too many times." She grunted, clenching her jaw.

"You know that there is a prison cell reserved for you. For the little bitch who tried to seduce the High Lord by poisoning him. And forget Ianthe, it was you who did it. Azriel could lock you in there any moment, within the blink of an eye. I told them everything. They know everything. The only reason why you are still free is because of me. Because despite everything I still protect you, Jeen," I growled, leaning closer to her — my gaze harsh and fierce. I cringed at my own wording of calling her a bitch and threatening her, but it was the truth and she finally had to know it. Gooseflesh erupted on her skin and she every so slightly dipped her chin when realisation hit her that I had really meant it. I noticed a tremor coursing through her body, her eyelids fluttering shut for a brief moment.

"Would you really do that? Let me go to prison?" she whispered after a few moments of dreadful silence. I feigned indifference, lacing my face in cool boredom—I had a feeling she knew the answer. Burying her face in her hands, she huffed, "But I don't remember, it has been so, so long ago..."

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