Chapter 62: The Lord of Death

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✧Misma POV✧

My face was pressed against Azriel's chest when my feet touched the ground.

We had landed....somewhere on the continent. Chirping wildlife and untamed wilderness surrounded us when I peeled my cheek away from my mate's chest and spun around.

How the hell were we supposed to find Lucien?

My heart thrummed against my rib cage, I swirled around again, trying to catch a glimpse of a least...something. Terror collided with worry when icy fingers gripped my neck and slowly danced down my spine.

"Az, you remember where we found him last time?" Cassian shouted over to us.

His face veiled in shadows, Azriel next to me simply pointed his finger straight forward.

Not wasting another second we all hurdled forward, branches crunching under our feet while we headed for the lake where—

Gods. I smacked my hands over my mouth to keep the shriek that might have escaped in. What I saw knocked the breath from my lungs.

Lucien. His head shot over the surface for a brief second. He was drenched in water and gasped, trying to fill his lungs with as much air as possible.

"Elain?" he breathed out before he was pulled under the water again, water spluttering around him.

Panic took root in my chest and sent a burning fire of terror throughout my whole body. He was drowning him. Slowly...

Koschei. He knew we would come. He had just waited for us, expecting our visit.

"I see the lady came to help her mate. Am I right, Elain Archeron, it is," a male voice hissed. His voice—a voice of death. I shuddered, the air wheezing in and out of my lung.

And there he was. Not really, but somehow he was there. It was not truly a male, rather a being. This being that stood atop the lake was a shadow. Maybe a reflection. Smoke and shadows.

Azriel loudly sucked in a breath, siphons flaring like cobalt flames.

"Let him go!" Elain demanded, stomping one foot into the mud. The old sorcerer only laughed.

Helion stepped into line beside Elain, his large hand coming to rest on her slender shoulder. "Give him back!"

The shadow atop the lake swirled around, nearing the shore. "You can have him back, if you wish. He is anyways of no use to me anymore. Free me and you will have him back. It is a deal. A bargain if you wish. Aren't you fae so fond of these things?"

Growling loudly, Rhysand sent a stray of power forward which bounced off an invisible wall surrounding the death lord. "Ah, I all are here," Koschei cooed, turning fully on the lake, his cloak, like smoke, waving behind him.

"Oh, all of you came for me. The most powerful High Lord. Feyre Curse Breaker, too. Lady Nesta, as beautiful as I expected and the two Illyrian bastard-born brutes," he hissed, laughing again. "And of course, my beautiful, beautiful Light Bringer. Come forward, let me take a look at you."

Rooted to the ground, I stayed besides my mate. My heart hammered against my rip cage and slowly cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck.

Callused fingertips touched the inside of my lower arm and briefly my gaze met with Azriel's. Icy cold creeped down my spine. Dread collided with fury and panic.

"Give him back. Give me my mate back!" Elain cried out in the next moment.

"Mate. So lovely," Koschei hissed. "Give me the Light Bringer, free me and you will have your mate back. He will be yours again and I will have my Light Bringer. Finally have my Lady of Light. I doubt that you are the same nasty bitch as your grandmother. You are sweet and obedient, aren't you?"

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