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~5 years later~

✦Azriel POV✦

"I am home!" I shouted into the flat, toeing off my boots, justing wanting to embrace my mate and our children. It had been two weeks since I had last seen them. Rhys had sent me on a mission to the continent, he knew it was no easy for me to go away for so long, but that was just how it was. It was still my job after all.

"Daaaad!" the voice of my youngest son reached me and seconds later he tugged on my trousers to which I quickly scooped him up in my arms, placing a kiss against the tiny boy's cheek.

"There you are, Durin. How are you? Where is your mummy and your brother?" I asked my son when he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. Already the moment my first son was born I knew that I would not fuck up like my father had. I knew I would love them with my whole heart and fulfill all their dreams and wishes. Together with my wonderful mate they would get the best life—the life they deserved.

"In the big room. Elvyn is...hurt," Durin murmured, slowly lifting his tiny head from my shoulder, his wings tucking in. Both our sons had wings, Elvyn looked exactly like me but Durin got all his looks, safe for the wings, from his mother. And also the light bringer abilities. The moment he was born he was glowing like the sun herself and we knew what he would one day become.

Fear and panic immediately rose in my chest and I held Durin tighter. Heaviness settled into my gut and I swallowed the rising panic.

Elvyn was hurt. Who had hurt him? Who did I have to kill? How terribly was he hurt?

By big room he could only mean the living room. I quickly dashed towards the room, holding tightly onto my son and came to stop when I saw my mate kneeling on the ground and sitting on her heels. In front of her Elvyn was kneeling as well, both their backs turned to me. Elvyn had his wings draped on the floor while Misma carefully ran her fingers over them. (Obviously not in a sexual way, in her years with Azriel she learned exactly which parts to touch and which not)

"It hurts!" Elvyn cried out with a raspy voice when Misma's hands moved over to another knot. "I know baby, but we gotta fix this now otherwise we have to see a healer and I doubt they will be so patient and careful as I am," my mate told him tightly when I slowly made my way over to them.

My steps were silent, but not too silent for my Misma. "Hello, darling. We missed you," my wonderful and beautiful mate greeted me, smiling at me over her shoulder before turning her attention back to our son. I quickly placed Durin on the ground and pressed a kiss to the top of Misma's head.

"I missed you, too." I surrounded the two of them. "What is the issue here? What is it, kid?" I asked, finally also squeezing my son's shoulder. 

"Dad," he beamed up at, eyes lighting up and he smiled at me in such a happy and proud way it made tears burn in my eyes. A wave of relief had washed over once I had spotted all of them sitting safely and healthy in the living room, safe for my son's wings.

"Your son got his wings tangled and knotted when racing through the air like a manic with Nyx and Noora!"

A loud laugh escaped my lips and I let myself fall onto the couch next to where the two of them sat, quickly pulling Durin onto my lap. Good gods, how many times had I had my wings in knots and tangled. Before you completely mature the wings are extremely thin and knot, bruise and even break very easily...

"It wasn't my fault!" Elvyn protested, burying his face in his hands again when Misma tended to yet another knot. He whined loudly, balling his hands into fists and gritted his teeth when Misma pressed down on the knot.

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