Chapter 56: Another Underground Palace

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✧Misma POV✧

When the light vanished I landed—face-forward onto the harsh and muddy ground. Slowly lifting my head, I tried to take in my surroundings. Where the hell had I travelled to?

I pulled myself up on my knees, sitting on my heels and looking around. With the back of my sleeve I wiped some dirt of my face, sniffling one time. It was so much cooler here. Mossy and wet. I blinked.

It was dark, the only light source was a small crack in the ceiling. Was it a ceiling?

That was another palace. Another underground palace.

There was a dais and a broken, old throne on top of it. Mostly the silver walls and floor were already covered in moss and weeds, but no doubt this place had been beautiful at some point. Tilting my head backwards I only saw a big, grey, marble door.

"Azriel!" I shouted, my voice breaking and coming out rather croaky. "Nesta? Cassian?"

Was this still Under the Mountain?

Doubtful, it seemed so different and none of them heard me. None of them were here.

Where the hell was I and why was I seemingly completely alone here?

Not that I desperately wanted company from a random stranger, but...but I wanted my mate to be here at least.

Whining and suffering in silence was of no use and so I carefully and cautiously got to my knees and then to my feet. Something hollowed in from....from somewhere.

Gods, please don't let someone be here. I really did not want company unless it was Azriel, Nesta or Cassian.

Slowly taking a few steps forward towards were the light was coming from, the Harp tightly gripped in my hand, I turned towards a wall to take in a painting of...of..who?

I had no idea who that was, but he seemed rather familiar. He definitely was Illyrian, he had Illyrians wings.

Terror sank its claws into me when realisation slowly seeped in.
Biting the insides of my cheeks, I hurdled to the large painting, stopping right in front of it. There was an engraving over which I slowly grazed the tips of my fingers.

Enalius, the Great. Destroyer of Enemies. Born of Shadow and Blood.

The warrior-god and first Illyrian. Gods.

Was I—? Was I in the Illyrian Mountains?
I could not be. I could not have travelled so far without noticing it.

"I am sorry, I needed to get you alone. Don't worry you are safe....You are in the other under mountain palace. Under Ramiel," a distant voice whispered.

Ramiel. Ramiel? Ramiel! I was under Ramiel. I had just quickly travelled to Ramiel...

I released the loudest scream I had probably ever produced in my whole life and then I toppled over and fell to my knees, holding my hands over my head.

But....but the voice...The voice, it sounded so damn familiar. It could not be. No, it could not—

"Grandmother?" I breathed out, swirling around on my knees and staring into the direction where the voice had come from.

"Yes, my child?"

I gasped, gritting me teeth and looking around in the gloomy throne room.
"Where are you?" I asked, whispering into the silence.

"I am right here, Misma. You cannot see me, but I am here. You are not alone." I gasped again when a cool breeze blew through my hair and made goosebumps rise on my skin.

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