Chapter 31: Mating Ceremony

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I hope you all are ready for a teeny-tiny taste of kinky Azriel at the end of the chapter....

✧Misma POV✧

"Don't you dare, come inside. Out, out! You are not supposed to see the venue and decoration yet. Out," Mor shooed both Azriel and I out of the house, a fierce look on her face. "Cassian wants you to join him in training today, anyways." "Today?" I huffed and Mor nodded, before slamming the door shut behind her.

"I don't want to train today," I groaned, hitting my head against Azriel's chest. He stroked my head and I felt his chest vibrate. The fool started laughing although his poor mate had to do training now.

"Come on just a few hours and then we will see a High Priestess and then we will have a wonderful celebration," he hummed and I wrapped my arms around him tighter. "And then you show me what you bought." I tilted my head back, crinkling my nose, grinning.

"Well, then I go see Cassian I guess." "Gwyn and I will train the priestesses in the meantime." I nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the training pitch.

Cassian already waited with a huge grin on his face, behind him some priestesses alongside Gwyn lined up and I gave Gwyn a quick wave.

"Ready?" Cassian laughed, approaching us and I gritted my teeth. "No?"

"That is bad. Twenty minutes of running around the pitch for warm up, let's go!" he stated and my eyes widened.

"Run!" the general ordered, a wicked grin on his face. I hesitated, looking back at Azriel for some support but the corner of his mouth just tipped upwards, "Run!"

I gave both of them a vulgar gesture and reluctantly stomped my feet into the ground, storming away. This was rude. It was the day of my mating celebration and I had to run around this stupid pitch like crazy, panting heavily.

"Done," I huffed, bracing my hands on my thighs while small whimpers escaped my mouth. I waddled over to Cassian who was already eagerly working out and downed a glass of water.

"Good, now we do some simple push ups, squats, lunges and planking." I shook my head and he started laughing.

"Don't use the word simple in the same sentence as these awful other words!" I groaned and he patted my shoulders.

What happened then, I could not really understand myself either for a second, but I was suddenly thrown in the air and Cassian hugged me tightly, although I was a sweaty mess.

"What the—?"

"I am sooo happy. Mother and Cauldron, I cannot explain how happy I am that Az, Azzy, found you. This cute little thing you are. Honestly, I had given up on him. But now here you are, scooped up in my arms, his little cute mate. On the day of your mating celebration. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are in his life and that he has you," he grinned at me and I was taken so by surprise that I started crying.

I cried because of how overwhelmed I was about this declaration and his kindness. I also liked Cassian a lot, but I had no idea about all of this.
"No, don't cry! This is seriously the only negative thing about you. You are too emotional. Or, I don't know if it is negative," he laughed and I hugged him tightly. I mean as good as it was possible in this weird position we were currently in.

"I don't know what to say, but I guess....thank you so much, you have now idea what that actually means to me," I told him, sincerely and hugging him again.

"I thought you were training?" A loud growl dashed over the training pitch and Cassian placed me on the ground. Territorial males.

"Relax, lover boy. We just shared a very emotional moment!" Cassian shouted back at Azriel, laughing loudly. Azriel stood on the other side of the pitch, shirtless and training two priestesses. Even over the distance I could see that his brows were furrowed and his jaw clenched. Gwyn was on his right side, explaining some things to other priestesses.

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