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✧Misma POV✧

"Look, look, look! We need to get that," I told Azriel and excitedly jumped from foot to foot. He calmed me with a hand on my shoulder. "We already have it in green and beige."

I pouted, picked up the tiny romper and waved it in front of my mate's face. Azriel only chuckled so I shoved it further into his face. "It is blue, your colour and Elvyn will look adorable in it!"

"He looks adorable in everything, but it has no holes for wings," Azriel argued, but I knew he had already agreed to buying it.

"I will cut them into it and—oh gods! We need to get the little blue hat!" I excitedly expressed, handing Azriel the romper and storming over to another table. Azriel grinned when he neared me and without question took the tiny hat from my hands and placed it in the basket of things I had already chosen.

This shop was perfect—it was paradise. I wanted to buy every little piece for our baby and was slightly on fire while blazing through all the sections of baby clothes and accessories.

In the meantime Elvyn peacefully slept, being strapped to his father's chest. He buried his face in my mate's shirt, small droplets of drool making the fabric appear a shade darker around his tiny mouth. Our baby boy did miss all of my excitement, so Azriel had to deal with it alone.

I was so very happy in that moment, picking up another two hats and tiny gloves. "It is winter soon, he needs gloves."
I grinned when Azriel kissed the side of my head. "My love, we don't have forever. Cass is coming over at four to help with the baby bed."

I was only half listening to whaat my mate said because my eyes had already landed on tiny blue boots. Absently I dipped my chin, wanting to move forward, but Azriel clasped my upper arm in his hand. "Sunshine, did you hear what I said?"

I met his gaze and smiled. "Yes, I did. But we still have so much time. And Cassian is hardly ever on time, so it will be perfectly fine."

My mate rolled his eyes, but then had to chuckle. Grinning in triumph I made my way over to the boots, picked them up and waved them through the air to show them to my mate. Azriel bowed his head and Elvyn lifted his, blinking and bubbling his lips.
When both of them came over to me Azriel brushed his hand over my head and leaned down. "I will go wait outside with Elvyn. He is starting to mewl a little bit. You continue here and meet us outside later," Azriel said and kissed my face again. Smiling, I dipped my chin and quickly leaned forward to first kiss my baby's forehead and then my mate's shoulder. Azriel handed me the basket and only then did I realise that it was already quite heavy.
"I love you too, see you soon."

It probably had been a mistake for Azriel to leave me alone in the shop—I ended up with three more rompers, two tiny shirts, three pants and around six hats. I also found two dresses for myself which I adored. I ended up needing another basket, but luckily everything fit into one big bag.

With a grin that spread from ear to ear I left the shop and headed towards my two boys. Seeing them like that my ovaries made jumps und my womb cheered in delight.

Azriel was swaying our little baby boy in his arms, talking to him, beaming. Elvyn happily suckled on the tip of Azriel's little finger and now and then giggled and squealed. I had barely ever seen Azriel as happy as when he was with our son; it always filled my heart with bliss and joy. It was exactly what Ariel deserved and I couldn't thank the Mother enough for bringing this happiness into our lives.

"Hello, my favourite two boys in the whole entire world," I greeted upon approaching. Azriel lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes glowed, shining brighter than the stars at night. I found myself once again in utter admiration of this male. And also of the tiny bundle in his arms who made a squeaky noise as a reaction to hearing my voice. I knew Elvyn already was a papa's boy, but that did not mean he was not happy when he saw me.

Azriel handed me our son and Elvyn immediately giggled while burying his face in the crook of my shoulder. I had to laugh, cuddling my baby tightly. Azriel got up from the bench he had been sitting on. His gaze landed on the huge bag I had placed on the ground beside me. He chuckled lowly and then handed it to me. Holding the bag in one hand I cradled Elvyn tightly in my other arm, him peacefully dozing against my chest now.

Azriel scooped us up in his arms, flared his wings and as carefully as possible took off.
I leaned my head against his shoulder, Elvyn still tightly cradled to my chest, and closed my eyes. The wind brushed my legs and arms, the air smelled lovely like early autumn, forest and grass.
"I still remember how you used to fly before we had a baby."

Azriel chuckled, his chest vibrating against me. "Sunshine, once Elvyn flies on his own I will go back to how I used to fly." I opened my eyes and Azriel kissed my cheek, but I gave him a dead pan.
"Sorry, but I just love how you shriek and scream and dig your nails into my skin," my mate joked and winked.

I knew he was not only talking about me doing this while flying.

I rolled my eyes at him, still chuckled. "Then I will make sure we have a ton more babies and you will always have to fly like that." I grinned and Azriel did too when we landed on the balcony of our place.

My mate softly placed me down and opened the door. Just before I walked over the threshold I was pulled back against my mate's chest, his hand resting on my belly just below Elvyn. Azriel's lips trailed up my neck to the shell of my ear and he said: "I cannot wait to put another baby into you, my beautiful mate and the best mother in the whole entire world."

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