Chapter 52: Frozen Rage

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✧Misma POV✧

"Ah, Rhysand, I see you brought her, too. Tamlin, your are no longer the only male from whom the Night Court has stolen the bride.....right before the marriage."

I did not even have to turn around to know who this voice belonged to.

Azriel moved his hand on my thigh, nails digging into my skin.

It is fine.
It is not.
Calm down, please.

"Beron, finally. Please take your seats," Thesan stated, calm and stern. Seats.

That meant he came with more people. Fillias, definitely being one of them.

I heard foot steps. Many footsteps and finally turned my head towards the door. Beron. The Lady of the Autumn Court, who kept her gaze on the floor. Eris. Fillias and their younger brother. Fillias' gaze met mine briefly, but my face stayed emotionless, unreadable.

I sent soothing strokes down the bond, as Azriel stiffened even more next to me, nails still digging further into my flesh.

They all took their seats and the tension in the room was hardly bearable. Azriel was not the only one who was tense. Mor, Cassian, Helion were, too.

Although, Eris was actually on our side, Cassian and Azriel did still not fully trust him and for Mor it was still difficult. Especially when he travelled with his whole family. He wore a small smirk, the same he had worn when he had departed from the Nigh Court, just a week ago. Such a great actor this male.

"So, why are we here? And more importantly is she going to use her light powers again to fire us against a wall? To hurt and harm us, filthy Ny—" Eris clasped his father's shoulder, stopping him before he could finish his insult.

I rolled my eyes and Feyre noticed Azriel's jaw clench so she quickly spoke up.

"She did not have control of her powers back then, so spare us with this unimportant shit," she stated, a proud look appearing on Rhys' face.

"Can we now please focus on what matters. Koschei and the upcoming war," Feyre quickly added and Thesan nodded.

"How sure is it, that there will be a war?" Tarquin queried, bracing his hands on the table and I saw Vivina flinch, looking at her mate with big eyes. Kallias acknowledged it and gave her a small smile.

"Very sure. Elain saw it. He will declare war on us. He wants to take over the world and knows that he has to fight us first in order to do this," Rhys responded.

Tamlin snorted and then chuckled coldly. "And we should believe her? Isn't she a bit....loony?"

Snarling, Nesta hit her hands flat on the table. "Don't you dare say such a thing about our sister. And yes, we can believe her because everything she has seen came true!" she hissed. Tamlin did not react, just turned his gaze away from her. A growl ripped itself free from Cassian.

Gods, someone would get hurt very, very soon. I had a feeling. There was not much more needed to make the barrel overflow.

"So that means we have to prepare for another war against Koschei. Only Koschei?" Tarquin asked, tapping his fingers on the table.

"No, not only him. He has thousands of followers all over the world. If they have waited for his return and were patiently hoping for him to rise again we have to fight against an army bigger than what Hybern was," Helion answered him, licking over his teeth and leaning back in his chair.

"We will raise armies and fight again as one unified Prythian army. Like we used to do against Hybern," Kallias announced, his gaze drifting over all of us. Rhys bowed his head at him, something like thankfulness shining his eyes.

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