Chapter 1

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A black haired girl was slightly drooling while looking at the dessert shop Infront of her.

Oh my god! There are so many desserts here! I should definitely try all of them!

She then stepped into the store. Inhaling the desserts aroma makes her more hungry.

Then a waitress guided her to an empty table. She sat down and looked around with sparkles aura forming around her.

The waitress chuckled seeing her expression and took her order.

" Welcome miss, may i have your order?"

(Y/n) smiled at her, " MAY I HAVE ONE OF EVERYTHING PLEASE!" She said excitingly.

The waitress was shocked " E - Everything miss? Are you sure?"

(Y/n) nodded excitingly. " Yes please!"

The other sweatdropped and went to the kitchen. Maybe she ordered the desserts while waiting for her friends...

"Hey ken-chin! Let's go inside this shop! I wanna try their dorayaki!" Mikey dragged Draken into the shop which made Draken sighed, "Mikey, didn't you already ate Dorayaki just now?"

Mikey ignored him and ordered dorayaki while draken ordered a drink. When they turned around, they saw that the places is full with customers and there were no empty tables.

"Hey!" A black haired girl waved her hands which caught the two males attention.

"Come sit here!"

Draken and Mikey looked at the girl, "Holy shit, is she referring to us, Ken-chin?" Mikey looked at her in bewilderment, stunned by her beauty.

Meanwhile draken was still looking at her astonished. He snapped out of it " Come on, let's go since she invited us."

They walked to the table where (Y/n) is looking at them with a smile. She saw they were looking for a table and invited them to sit with her.

"Hi! Come and sit down don't be shy!"

Draken sat down and dragged Mikey who was still looking at her. He then bowed to her " I am Draken and this shorty is Mikey. Nice to meet you."

(Y/n) nodded at them and introduced herself " I am Y/n Yato! Nice to meet you too!"

She then turned to Mikey who was still looking at her. She sweatdropped, why he keep looking at me? Do I have something on my face?

Draken noticed (Y/n) who was looking at Mikey weirdly, and Draken turned to see Mikey who was still looking at (Y/n). Then he bonked his head which made Mikey snapped out of it.

"Ow! it hurts Ken-chin" He whined while clutching his head in pain.

They heard a chuckle from (Y/n). " You guys are cute."

Hearing the words made them blush madly. Oh my god! She just called me cute!


After getting to know each other, more like the duo simping at (Y/n). She learned that Mikey and Draken are in a gang called Tokyo Manji Gang.

"Wow! Can i come with you?" She said excitingly as she wanted to see all the members.

"Sure! (Y/n)-chin! We are having a meeting after this."

As they were talking with (Y/n) and few glares from mikey to draken and vice versa, the waitress finally arrive with a trolley full of desserts.

The duo were shocked looking at the dessert "U-um that's not what we ordered." Mikey said to the waitress while draken nodded in shocked with his eyes on the dessert.

"Silly! That's mine!" (Y/n) said happily while drooling at the desserts.

"Please enjoy your desserts" the waitress bowed and walked away.

Phew, luckily she brought her friends along. I legit thought she will inhale all of the desserts alone.

Meanwhile the duo was still shocked at the huge amount of desserts, (Y/n) was eating them happily.

"Umai!! It's so tasty!"

She glanced at draken and mikey and waved her hand Infront of their faces.

"Come on! Let's share together! My treat!" She pushed the plates to them while gesturing them to eat it

"Are you sure Yato-san? It will be rude of u-" Mikey cutted off Draken's words "REALLY?!! THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" Mikey was excited to eat them as he was eyeing the desserts earlier but couldn't buy them since Draken's wallet is almost broke.

Draken just sighed at his friend and bowed to (Y/n). " Thanks for the food, Yato-san."

"Just call me (Y/n)! I don't mind!"

"Thank you, (Y/n) -san"

With that, they enjoyed the desserts while having a conversation.


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