Special Chapter: Hangout with Izana and Kakucho! (Part 1)

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(Y/n) were in her house, sitting on the couch while watching some show on the television when her phone vibrated.

Without leaving her sight from the television, she grabbed it and answered it.


"Hi, (Y/n)-chan. Wanna hang out with me and Kakucho?"

Hearing the familiar voice, she recognised the voice as it was Izana that called her.

"Oh! Izana-kun! Let's go then!" She said excitedly as she was also about to go out after watching the show.

Izana chuckled at her reaction, while looking around him. Kakucho were standing next to him.

The Haitani brothers were outside as what he assumed, were beating people up.

"Have you eaten yet? We can go and eat first."

Hearing the word eat made (Y/n) hungry, "Nope! I was busy doing other things just now."

She were cleaning up her house earlier, which made her pretty much exhausted as the house is damn big.

"Alright, we will wait for you at the restaurant near xxx street."

"Yay! See you later, Izana-kun!"

As he hung up the phone, he saw Kakucho looking at him, "The restaurant is expensive, Izana."

The said boy scoffed, "I am sure 100 dollars is enough."

Kakucho nodded, thinking that it is enough as three of them are gonna eat, well not like (Y/n) is the type of a person that likes to eat many foods.

(Y/n) glanced at her phone, as she replied a message to a certain white haired male while sipping her green tea as she sat on a chair in an outdoor restaurant.

She arrived earlier than the time they promised, as she ordered a green tea while waiting for them.

Putting the cup down, she took out a kiseru (Kiseru is a Japanese smoking pipe traditionally)  as she closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling the smoke elegantly, as she smoked, footsteps were heard

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Putting the cup down, she took out a kiseru (Kiseru is a Japanese smoking pipe traditionally)  as she closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling the smoke elegantly, as she smoked, footsteps were heard.

Putting the cup down, she took out a kiseru (Kiseru is a Japanese smoking pipe traditionally)  as she closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling the smoke elegantly, as she smoked, footsteps were heard

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Opening her eyes, she were greeted with a male with white hair and orchid eyes, with his right hand man, Kakucho.

"Hey guys!" 

Izana and Kakucho frowned at her, "(Y/n)-chan, it's not good for you to smoke."

Izana only nodded as he agreed, "Yeah, he is right."

The yato only sighed, she has been smoking for years and she is still alive and kicking.

Looking at their expression, they were frowning, if you looked closely, you could see they were pouting instead.


"Alright, alright." Putting out the smoke as she stored it inside her kimono.

Nodding happily, they took a seat in front of her. Tilting her head at them, she said, "Let's order some food! I'm sure both of you are hungry!"

Izana smiled at her, "Just order what you want, it will be our treat."

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled, "Really?!"

Kakucho nodded at her, "Yeah, don't worry, we will pay for it."

"How kind of you guys!" She thanked them with a smile, making them blush at her.

She then called for a waiter, as he walked towards their table.

"Good afternoon, please take a look at the menu."  The waiter said as he handed them the menu.

Kakucho and Izana's eyes bulged out, seeing their extremely high prices dishes. A dish cost around twenty dollar while a drink costs around five dollar.

As Izana thought, Kakucho indeed was right, this is a damn expensive restaurant.

Kakucho then glanced at Izana, as the latter did the same too, seemingly having a telepathic conversation.

"Do you think we have enough money, Izana?"

"We have 100 dollars right?"

"Yeah, if we order three dishes and three drinks...we have around 15 dollar balance left."

"True, let's wait for (Y/n)-chan to order first.".

"Well, let's order the cheapest dish. At least water is free here."

"Order it!"

Quitting their telepathy, they nodded at each other as (Y/n) was still looking at the menu excitedly.

They sweatdropped looking at her,

"I don't have a good feeling about this..." Both of them thought.

Closing the menu book, she gave it back to the waiter Izana and Kakucho did the same too.

The waiter took out the pen and a small notebook as he asked, "May I take your order now, sir and madam?"

"Please give me chicken chop with mineral water." Kakucho told the waiter as he nodded and wrote the order down.

"I will have the same as him." Izana told him, the reason they ordered these was because they were the cheapest dish inside the restaurant.

The waiter nodded as he turned to (Y/n). "What would you like to order, madam?"

The next words that came out from her made them surprised,

"Everything please!" She said to the waiter while smiling as if it was normal.

Izana, the leader of Tenjiku, who were feared by many and always keep his calm demeanor choked on his saliva.

Seeing his leader choking, Kakucho patted his back.

Trying to calm his coughing, he stuttered as he asked the yato, "E-Everything? A-Are you sure you can finish them, (Y/n)-chan?"

"Yeah! The foods look yummy here!" She replied him, before looking to the waiter again, "Oh! Please give me the desserts too! One of each!"

Kakucho only stiffened more as the waiter nodded and wrote down the order, sweating slightly.

As the waiter left, Izana turned to his right hand man with horrified expression,

"Forget about leading Tenjiku, we are gonna wash the dishes here forever.

Women sure are scary...


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