Chapter 55

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Few days after the alien kidnapping incident and our (Y/n) managed to hide from them for days.

And no, she didn't stayed at her house.

The only one who know about her whereabouts was the black dragon's captains, Inui and Kokonoi.

That's why (Y/n) was now living with them as what the two simps suggested which the yato agreed.

So now here she was, doing the houseworks while the two other males were making breakfast.

Inui chopped down the vegetables before turning behind him, "(Y/n)-chan, you could just let us do the houseworks."

Feeling bad for asking a guest for doing them as his best friend agreed, "Yeah, just relax yourself."

(Y/n) shook her head, continuing to vacuum the floor as she lifted the couch up easily with one hand which caused them to choked on their saliva.

"I'm fine guys! Just continue to cook your breakfast!"

Both of them nodded eagerly, "Whoa, (Y/n)-chan is so strong."


"Did you found (Y/n)-chan?" Shinchiro asked their younger brothers as they shook their head in response.

The siblings were now at the hospital since the oldest Sano siblings still need have a check up once a week as per instructed by the doctor.

Mikey who was walking between them sighed in defeat, "No. I wonder where she went." The blonde haired brother pouted before holding his two older brother's hand.

Izana chuckled at his antics as he tightened his grip, "I'm sure she went hiding since she was guilty for leaving us on the airport."

They learned that Wakasa and Inui met the yato at Shinchiro's bike shop, but she disappeared from the two for no reason.

Not only that, the male with ponytail handed him a black card as a compensation for his bike.

When he asked what happened to his bike, he just told him to go back to his shop to see what happened.

Let's say that the first generation black dragon captain cried the whole night with his younger brothers comforting him.

But on the bright side, he did get a (Y/n)-chan's black card which could help him buy more bikes as Mikey said but the white haired male bonked him for saying stupid stuff.

"You need to return back her card, Manjiro."

"No, I refuse to!"

"Akane-chan, you looked lovely as always." The black haired female said as she peeled an orange for her.

Yes, (Y/n) was inside the hospital too to visit Inui's older sister, Akane.

"You are making me blush, (Y/n)-chan." She joked while accepting the peeled orange with a thanks as she put it inside her mouth.

(Y/n) chuckled, "I'm serious you know."

"I want an orange too, (Y/n)-chan!" Kokonoi demanded childishly as she nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Koko-kun!"

Inui the first simp got jealous, "Me too!" His older sister sighed before chuckling, "Both of you are like a bunch of kids."

"No we are not!" Both of them exclaimed at the same time.

She rolled her eyes, "Just admit it."

(Y/n) finished peeling the oranges as she passed it to the two males who were arguing with the blonde haired female.

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