Chapter 59

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"Takemichty, come on!  Let me go and join them!" (Y/n) pleaded the blonde haired male as she tried to pull him away from her wrist.

But Takemichi wouldn't do that since he already made a promise to everyone in which he would do anything to prevent her from going in.

That's why he decided to be a koala bear and wrapped his arms around the yato's wrist. (Y/n) didn't even seems to mind the weight since she couldn't even feel anything.

The other shook his head, tightening his grip on her wrist despite (Y/n) trying to pull him away, well she can yeet him away but doesn't want to hurt the crybaby hero.

"I can't let you go, (Y/n)-chan!" He replied, making puppy eyes at her so she would stop her actions.

(Y/n) sighed at what the crybaby said, she knew she promised Chifuyu but still....

While they were busy arguing with each other, Kisaki and Hanma were observing them quietly, especially the female.

"I am gonna kill her..."

After finishing arguing with Takemichi with him winning, (Y/n) had given up and was now watching the fight began from far away.

But for some reason she don't feel well. Her instinct told herself that something bad gonna happen soon.

She turned her head back to the fight, seeing some higher-ups from Toman were already defeated, their faces full of bruises and bloods.

He noticed the look on her eyes, trailing off to her grip on the parasol tightly. Takemichi was sure the handle gonna snapped soon if she kept gripping the handle tightly.

"Please, you guys must be safe..." The black haired female thought worriedly. If only she could join too...

"(Y/n)-chan...." The blonde haired male muttered as he also felt worried about his fellow members.

"The black haired bitch, is she really that fucking prescious for you, huh?!" South grinned before sending a punch to Mikey who managed to block it with his arms.

The shorter tched, feeling his arms becoming stiff from the punch and after hearing what South said about (Y/n) made him more angry.

"How dare you call (Y/n)-chan a bitch..." Mikey gritted his teeth angrily while South was still laughing loudly.

Mikey dodged a punch from South, giving him the roundhouse kick aimed at the bigger male but South managed to grabbed the shorter's leg before it hit him on the face.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN HIT ME WITH THAT LAME KICK?!!!" South cackled and grinned at the pissed off expression on Mikey's face.

"But she looks very beautiful if I must say..." South ogled over the oblivious black haired female's body as he licked his lips pervertedly.

The words that came out from his mouth made Mikey felt more disgusted and mad.

"You bastard why are you doing this all of sudden?!"

South laughed out loud at what Mikey said, surprising the other male, "Revenge Mikey, It is called revenge." He then turned his head towards Kisaki.

Mikey's eyes widened, he followed the gaze where South was looking at.




He felt his body trembling, both in anger and horrified. Finally, he knew why this fight happened. The fight occurred in the past when (Y/n) defeated Kisaki. He wanted a revenge against (Y/n).


Kisaki grinned when he saw the reaction on his former leader's face.

He fell into his trap.

The yato was still standing on the same spot, keeping eyes on her friends and the person she felt most worried about, Mikey.

She saw his body trembling in anger, as if South said something to him which made him very angry.

And (Y/n) felt her uneasiness increasing.

"Takemichty..." She muttered his name quietly as the other turned to her, "Yes, (Y/n)-chan?" Judging by her tone, he knew something was wrong.

"Please let me go to them." (Y/n) pleaded as she gripped his hands gently and her worried expression on her face made Takemichi gulped a bit.

"B-But...(Y/n)-chan..." He opened his mouth to reply before closing it in an instant. He knows sooner or later, the yato had to step in to help them.

"Alright, you can help them."

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up happily as she hugged the crybaby hero tightly, "Thank you so much, Takemichty!"

She then gave him the red parasol, feeling her body getting drenched with the rain.

"Take this with you, Takemichi. Protect yourself." (Y/n) said and patted his damp cheek lovingly with a soft smile, "I'll go and save them okay?"

"Please be safe, (Y/n)-chan!"

"I will! Don't worry about me!"

"Mikey-kun! I'm coming over right now!"  (Y/n) thought as she ran towards the crowd of delinquents, her eyes locked on the blonde haired commander.

A member from Rokuhara then tried to grab her but (Y/n) just dodged it smoothly before kicking the guy on the stomach without looking.

The impact made also made his body to get crashed into some of his gang members who couldn't avoid it because of the fast speed.

The loud sound caught their attention as the Toman, Tenjiku and Brahman gang became quite surprised when the yato was making her way towards them.

"MIKEY-KUN!" (Y/n) called out his name as Mikey turned his head to see the yato running to him with a worried expression on her face.

"Time to start our plan, Kisaki."

Hanma whispered to the other's ear before letting out a laugh,

"Our main superstar just arrived right on the spot."

Kisaki continued and grinned, his right hand gripping the gun hidden in his pocket.

It's time to kill her.

First of all, I'm very sorry for not updating for like 3 months

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First of all, I'm very sorry for not updating for like 3 months. I am very busy with my degree and I really don't have time to continue my story. But don't worry! I'll try and update more of the chapters later!

Thank you and stay safe everyone!

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