Chapter 2

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After they ate the desserts, (Y/n) got invited by Mikey and Draken to meet up with Toman's members. The black haired girl was excited to meet them.

Mikey dragged (Y/n) to his bike "Come and ride with me, (Y/n)-chin!" Draken who was watching them gritted his teeth, It's okay Draken! There are many opportunities to be with her!

They arrived at Mussashi Temple and (Y/n) got off from his bike. (Y/n) then looked around in amazement.

" Wow! It's so pretty!" She said while spinning around with her red parasol, not noticing other people were watching her

Mitsuya who saw the pretty girl was confused why she was here, at Toman's base.

The black haired girl noticed Mitsuya and smiled "Hi! I am (Y/n) Yato! Nice to meet you!"

Mitsuya blushed seeing her face, she is so pretty! "I - I am Mitsuya Takashi. Nice to meet you " He mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"Nice to meet you, Mitsuya-san!"

"Please call me Takashi, Yato-san."

The black haired girl nodded happily "Okay Taka - chan!" With that she held his hand as they walked to meet other members of Toman.

Meanwhile Mitsuya was panicking, Oh my god she is holding my hand! He failed to notice Draken and Mikey were glaring at him for hogging (Y/n).

(Y/n) introduced herself to other members and she get to know Smiley, Angry, Chifuyu, Baji, Hakkai (who was embarrassed to converse with her), Pah-chin, Peh-yan and Sanzu.

Just like Mitsuya, they were also entranced by (Y/n)'s beauty. The black haired girl was patting the twins' hair while gushing cutely to them "Kyaa! Both of you are so cute!" They remained her of cotton candy.

Smiley was smiling smugly at everyone, causing them to be jealous (especially Mikey and Draken) while silently planning his death.

"Takemitchy, why did you bring your girlfriend with you?" Draken said while looking at the blonde haired boy and his peach haired girlfriend.

"Sorry! She insisted to follow me!" Takemichi apologized to them.

Hinata, who is Takemichi's girlfriend saw (Y/n) that is patting the twins' hair happily "So fluffy! So cute!"

(Y/n) stopped patting their hair, which made them pout slightly. (Y/n) caught Hinata was looking at her and smiled at her.


As (Y/n) gets to know Hinata and Emma, who introduced herself as Mikey's younger sister.

(Y/n) glanced at Takemichi's face which is full of bruises from Hinata since he apparently saw Emma's half naked body. She feels bad for him.

After the meeting ended, Emma and Hinata asked for her number, promising themselves to meet up and shopping together which made (Y/n) excited.

Kyaa! I am invited to shopping together with them! So happy!

Mikey heard their conversation and glared slightly at Emma and Hinata.
I met her first and i don't even have her number! Women are scary....

After saving their numbers, (Y/n) excused herself and went to Mikey. "Mikey-chan! Mind sending me home?"

Hearing the words from (Y/n), Mikey's aura became sparkly as he gets to be with (Y/n).

Mikey nodded eagerly "Sure, (Y/n) - chin! Come on, let's go!"

He dragged her to his bike while (Y/n) said goodbye to other people. "Bye everyone! Let's meet again soon!" She waved happily at them.

They also waved at (Y/n), slightly sad that she will be leaving as they wanted to hang out with her more.

(Y/n) put her hands on Mikey's waist, which made Mikey blushing madly.

He was happy to meet you.


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