Chapter 5

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After getting to know everyone from Tenjiku, with the Haitani brothers spotting a few bruises from Izana's beating because of their childish argument earlier.

Right now, they were sitting with (Y/n) sitting in the middle next to Izana on the left and Kakucho on the right. While Ran and Rindou were getting time out.

(Y/n) sweatdropped looking at the brothers that was standing facing the wall. Although she agreed they deserved it because of the silly argument earlier.

She feel a poke on the shoulder, making her turn into the white haired male.

(Y/n) tilted her head, "Yes, Izana-kun?"

Izana gave her a grim expression, "You still haven't told me how you stopped my kick earlier."

Kakucho on the other side nodded, he was interested on the reason too.

(Y/n) hummed slightly before opening her mouth,


"Well, I stopped it with my finger, silly!" (Y/n) said cheerfully, with her hands on the air.


A moment of silence could be heard in the base.

Izana and Kakucho facepalmed before sighing at her stupidness. "No, we mean how you stopped his kick with just a finger?"

(Y/n) finally knew what they meant and nodded. She then took a fighting stance while facing Izana and Kakucho.

 She then took a fighting stance while facing Izana and Kakucho

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"Why don't you both try and fight me instead?"


Meanwhile other Tenjiku members were shocked at the declaration from the black haired girl.

"Is she crazy?!"

"She must be stupid, trying to fight the boss!"

"Boss and Kakucho will definitely kick her ass."

The Haitani brother also couldn't believe it as they were still on time out, as they saw everyone were looking at the scene, Ran and Rindou just took a seat as well, deciding to ignore the punishment.

"Are you sure (Y/n)-chan can defeat Izana and Kakucho?" Ran asked his younger brother.

The latter shrugged, "Well, we saw (Y/n)-chan blocking his kick with a finger." He thought remembering the scene earlier before continuing, "I am sure she can defeat them."


Izana smirked, scoffing internally at the yato. Like you can defeat me, I am the president of Tenjiku.

On the other hand, Kakucho was sweating slightly, I don't have a good feeling about this...

They then took a fighting stance with the black haired girl facing them. (Y/n) was smiling looking at them. While Izana was smirking at her. He can't wait to defeat her.

(Y/n) noticed other members were looking at them with a horrified expression, "Don't worry! It's just a friendly fight!" She said cheerfully.

With that, (Y/n) stormed herself to Izana's, catching him off guard, making him surprised.

So fast!

(Y/n) then punched his face lightly as she doesn't want to kill him, Izana doesn't have time to block the punch, knocking him down on the ground.

Kakucho was shocked, seeing his president was knocked out by just a single punch, he then launched himself to (Y/n) but she grabbed him by the wrist and threw him away.

The other members saw Kakucho was landed away by few meters. The fall knocked him out immediately.

As (Y/n) saw them knocked out, she gave them a peace with excited smile,

"Yeah! I am the winner!"

She jumped happily with her parasol, ignoring the horrified expression from Tenjiku members.




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A few moments later, the Haitani brothers were kneeling on the floor, begging like an idiot.

"Please teach us, (Y/n)-chan!!" Ran whined to her, clutching her cheongsam.

Rindou were hugging her waist, slightly enjoying the hug. "Yeah, teach us, (Y/n)-chan."

(Y/n) just sweatdropped at their antics. Her teaching is tough, even when she taught Kamui before this, he was almost half dead by her training.

She scratched her cheek, "Are you sure? My teaching is though. My student was half dead by my training." She laughed slightly.

The brothers just nodded eagerly at her.

"Yeah!! I am in, (Y/n)-chan"

"Me too!"

Meanwhile Izana and Kakucho were awake to the voices of the annoying brothers.

They then remembered how (Y/n) defeated them earlier, hurting their pride a little.

Izana spotted the stupid brothers were kneeling to (Y/n) with the latter replying with a sweat on her beautiful face. Although he and Kakucho were jealous by Rindou hugging her waist.

"What are you doing, idiots?"

Ran and Rindou turned their face to Izana, seeing their president is awake with Kakucho beside him.

The older shivered a little, since they skipped the time out earlier.

Rindou could also feel the glares directed at him from Izana and Kakucho.

"W-We are just asking (begging) (Y/n)-chan to teach us!"

This piqeued Izana and Kakucho's attention. They walked to (Y/n).

"Please teach us too, (Y/n)-san." Kakucho and Izana bowed to her.

Looking at them, (Y/n) was reminded by Kamui that were begging her to teach him just like an idiot.

She just sighed and agreed to them, "Alright, alright. I will teach you."


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