Chapter 42

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A yawn pushed past her lips, blinking back to the empty glass cup as she swirled it in one hand, letting the spoon rattle against the glass.

It has been days since Izana reunited with his siblings, and she was happy for the white haired male.

Apparently, the black haired female left the room quietly, seeing the siblings hugging each other while crying.

(Y/n) felt like she was being a bother, that's why she left them quietly, opting to go home instead.

But what panicked the siblings were, they can't contact the yato. It was like she disappeared from them.

It was the same for everyone else too. The higher ups of Toman tried to call her, while Tenjiku higher ups went to her house.

But no one answered the bell at all. Which worried them to dead, thinking that (Y/n) left the planet.


Dark blue eyes moved to look at Inui, catching the sunflower blonde haired male sitting on the other chair, facing the seemingly nervous male in front of her.

He was just in a dessert shop to buy some macarons for his older sister, who was in the hospital when he spotted someone familiar sitting not far away from him.

He heard from his leader that the black haired female went missing, but she was here, looking fine and healthy.

(Y/n) just looked at him quietly, waiting for the other to speak up. He could feel himself burning up, feeling her gaze on him.

Actually, he was a bit shy to talk to her.

No, Inui! You must talk to her!

"Everyone is worried about you."  (Y/n) took a bite of her ice cream, which she had ordered earlier before Inui came.

She nodded, gesturing him to continue talking, he gulped his saliva before continuing, "Did something happened, (Y/n)-chan?"

He then heard a chuckle from her as he looked at the yato confusedly, "Nothing happened, Inui-kun."

Seeing his confused face made (Y/n) chuckled more, "Do you know that I am an alien?" She asked as Inui nodded at her.

He knows about (Y/n)'s true identity when the leader's younger brother mentioned about her backgrounds to them.

Let's say that it took them a few hours to process all of the information. Even Taiju felt his head spinning.

But Inui was fine since he was obsessed with alien since he was small. He thinks that alien are very cool!

"I went back to my hometown for a few days." She said as she finished her ice cream, pouting at the empty glasses before ordering another one.

"Hometown?" He repeated, thinking her hometown must be very far away.

Wait, hometown. She's an alien. So it must mean that...

He gasped as his eyes widened, "Did you went to other planet?!"

His nervousness disappeared in an instant as he got excited instead, leaning closer to her face.

(Y/n) didn’t pull away from the gaze between them, smiling at the excited expression on his face.

"You're so cute, Inui-kun."

She teased as Inui finally realised the closeness between them, feeling his face flushing in embarrassment.

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