Chapter 9

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They were walking together while looking at the stalls, a certain black haired girl's eyes sparkled looking at the desserts.

Izana chuckled at her reaction, he heard from the Haitani brothers that she is obsessed with desserts.

He dragged her hand to one of the desserts stall, with Kakucho following them, "Let's go eat some desserts, my treat."

Kakucho smiled at the scene, although slightly jealous, he was happy to see Izana being happy.

"How kind of you, Izana-kun!" She said to Izana.

Which idiot would reject the offer of free foods right?

He then took out his wallet and paid for the desserts. Giving one to (Y/n) and Kakucho and one for himself.

(Y/n) and Kakucho thanked him for the food, although Kakucho didn't expected Izana to buy for him too.

As she enjoyed the desserts, she noticed a certain pair of siblings were missing. Looking around, she only saw Izana and Kakucho.

"Eh? Where is Rindou-kun and Ran-kun?"

Hearing the words of the brothers made Izana irked a bit, he was happy to leave them alone though.

Kakucho just shrugged at her, "Maybe they are walking around....or dead...." He muttered. The last words were only heard by Izana, making him chuckle at Kakucho.

After they finished the desserts, they were now sitting on a bench. (Y/n) looked up, smiling at the beautiful scenery full with stars.

"Look, Izana-kun, Kakucho-kun! It's so pretty!" She beamed at them while pointing at the stars.

They nodded and stared at her, admiring her beautiful face as she continued looking at the stars.

Both of them thinking the same,

You're prettier, (Y/n)-chan.


"AHHH, (Y/n)-CHAN!!"

Recognizing the voice, Izana and Kakucho sighed since their moment is ruined.

A voice yelled from behind, they turned and saw the Haitani brothers, with Ran running at them while crying and Rindou who only facepalmed at his stupid brother.

(Y/n) who saw Ran crying, panicked a little. Opening her arms as Ran jumped on her.

Although they were surprised as (Y/n) didn't even staggered with the weight.

(Y/n) wiped his tears with her handkerchief gently, as Ran enjoyed the attention.

The others were jealous.

"Oh my, what happened Ran-kun?" She asked softly.

She then patted his head as she finished wiping the tears, Ran sniffed slightly and pointed his finger at the younger brother.

"He keep throwing tantrum so i hit him on the head."

Rindou, the normal brother was getting irritated as his older brother keep throwing tantrum like a five year old child, he just hitted him on the head, hardly.

Izana only looked at him in disappointment, "I still don't know how he managed to conquer Roppongi street."

Kakucho nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I see that he keep getting dumber day by day.

The male heard the words and gasped, "Wow, so rude!"

The males only rolled their eyes at Ran.

"Come on, let's continue walking and eat some desserts!"

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