Chapter 45

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"Ne (Y/n)-chan, did you went back to your hometown to visit your family members?" Chifuyu asked the yato.

(Y/n) along with others were now sitting in a circle, all of them sitting on the ground with Takemichi and Mikey sitting next to her.

It seems like the crybaby hero doesn't want to let go of her, completely hogging the black haired male, making the males jealous at him.

"Nope!" She simply replied to Chifuyu's question, earning confused reactions.

"What do you mean by no, (Y/n)-chan?" The younger Kawata twin asked as his older brother nodded as well.

"I just went back to visit my pets!" (Y/n) cheerfully replied.

The commander turned to her, a sweat on his face from her reply, "E-Eh pets?"

She only went back to visit her pets?!

The yato nodded in response, "Yes! You guys should come visit my planet!" She said excitedly, her dark blue eyes sparkling.

"Oh my god, you have alien pets, (Y/n)-chan?!" Takemichi asked with an excited voice, having same reaction as (Y/n).

"Yes! Wanna come, Takemitchy?" This blonde haired male nodded as he jumped around.

"Sure! I wanna go so bad!" He squealed loudly while the others looked at him dumbfoundedly.

(Y/n) laughed at his reaction, "Takemichi is really cute." She murmured to herself, her heart going soft.

Mikey who heard her said that pouted at her cutely before grabbing her arm, shaking her back and forth.

"How about me, (Y/n)-chan?" He whined as the yato felt her head spinning.

"Let her go, Mikey!" The vice commander yelled as he stood up and grabbed the dizzy female off him.

(Y/n) could feel her head stop spinning, thanking the taller male. "Thank you, Draken-kun."

Turning to the commander, she chuckled at him, "To answer your question, all of you are very cute to me!"

"She's too innocent..." Knowing that wasn't what Mikey meant when asking her the question.

The black haired female propped her red parasol against her shoulder as dark blue eyes gazed over the group of people gathered at the place.

It was Toman and Tenjiku whoL were gathered, but only higher ups were there.

Her lips perked up, seeing the white haired male was talking with his younger brother happily.

He looks happy.

The older Haitani was conversing with the second division captain and vice captain of Toman when he noticed someone standing not far away from them.

"Hey, (Y/n)-chan!" He called her as the others stopped talking and turned to the direction he was looking at.

(Y/n) chuckled, waving to him before making her way to the group.

"Good morning, guys!" She cheerfully greeted, nodding mentally at their outfits.

It was because they were wearing normal outfits instead of their gang uniforms, but what caught her eyes was the big baggage bags from each of them.

We are only going for 3 days 2 nights but they looked like they are staying forever.

Everyone greeted her back, excited to see the black haired female.

"You not bringing your baggage, (Y/n)-chan?" Asked the younger Haitani, seeing she didn't brought anything with her.

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