Chapter 44

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"Eh, are we the only one here, Ken-chin?" He asked the male with dragon tattoo on his head.

Draken looked around and sighed disappointedly before hitting Mikey's head lightly.

"Ow!' The shorter pouted before sitting on top of the stairs.

Well he deserved to get hit because the idiot had dragged his best friend out, when it was still early.

Toman has another meeting today but it will start at 10am, but the idiot apparently went to Draken's house and forced him to come with him.

And now the time was only 9:15am.

Ignoring the pouting male, he took a seat next to the commander.

"It has been days since (Y/n)-chan went missing..." Draken trailed out sadly.

Mikey nodded as he sighed, leaning on his best friend, "Yeah...I miss her."

Not only both of them but everyone missed her as well, after days of not finding her literally anywhere, everyone became like this.


"There must be a reason why she left all of a sudden."

The shorter nodded as he ruffled his hair, making his hair messy, which irked Draken.


"Ain't that (Y/n)-chan?"

Draken asked as he stood up after helping Mikey to tie his hair and pointed his finger towards a black haired female who was approaching them.

Hearing Draken mentioning (Y/n), he turned to where the taller pointed at, and indeee he was right.

"Oh my god, you are right!' Mikey gasped as he stood up abruptly, running towards the yato and jumped on her.

(Y/n) laughed at the blonde haired male before hugging him as well, making him blush a little.

Letting go of the hug, he pouted at him, trying to be mad but failed as the yato pinched his cheeks.

"Where did you went, (Y/n)-chin?" He asked as Draken came over, hugging her too.

Well both of them miss her.

"I went back to my hometown." (Y/n) said as she continued to tell them about what happened.

"But why you went without telling us though, (Y/n)-chan?" Draken asked while Mikey nodded, looking at the black haired female who was now sitting between them.

She smiled and grabbed their hands boldly as the two males blushed by the contact.

"It was an emergency."

The vice commander raised an eyebrow at her answer as he tried to see if the female was lying at them.

"Are you sure, (Y/n)-chan?" Trying to confirm what she said.

(Y/n) nodded with a closed eyes smile, "Of course!"

But both of them felt like the black haired female was hiding something,

"Are you su-"

"Yes." She cutted the other off as they stayed quiet.

While Drakens and Mikey looked at her with a sad expression, wondering why she won't tell the truth.

"I am not lying okay, I promise." Her eyes softened and she tightened get grips on their hands, but not too much to hurt them.

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