Chapter 4

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After finishing eating the desserts, (Y/n) patted her tummy with a sigh of satisfaction. " So full...."

Half an hour ago....

The Haitani brothers couldn't help but bulge their eyes out when they saw the trolley full of desserts. Even the waiter was shaking slightly.

"Umai!" She said while holding a spoon with her right hand. Sparkling aura could be seen around her.

Rindou looked at Ran while saying telepathic to him.

Ain't that a large amount of desserts, nii - san?!

I know right?! I can't believe she can finish all of them!

Are you sure she is a human?!

Why don't you ask her?!

Of course she is a human baka! What you think she is? An alien?!

The yato girl was still eating her desserts happily as she noticed they weren't touching their desserts.

"Hey Ran and Rindou! Come and eat them!"

The brothers quit their telepathy and nodded awkwardly "Y-Yes, (Y/n)-chan, thanks for the food."

Ran nudged at Rindou to thank her too "T-Thanks for the food, (Y/n)-chan."

She nodded happily at them and pushed the desserts to them. "Come on, eat more! You guys are too thin!"

(Y/n) insisted them to eat it but eating one or two desserts already made them full while (Y/n) was typically inhaling the desserts.

The Haitani brothers sweatdropped while looking at her eating the desserts.



Current time

(Y/n) learned that Ran and Rindou were a delinquent too from a gang called Tenjiku. After paying for the desserts, which the brothers argued with (Y/n) who will pay the bill as (Y/n) insisted she will pay for them.

As they were walking around on the streets, (Y/n) with her signature parasol and rindou who walked beside her to shade himself from the sun.

Ran couldn't fit in since he was too tall. Poor Ran. (Y/n) and Rindou could fit since their height is almost the same.

"Tenjiku gang? Sounds cool! Can I come to the meeting?" She said excitingly since she wanted to meet other members of Tenjiku just like how she met Toman members.

She wanted to what?! I'm afraid Izana would kill her. Ran thought thinking about the white haired male.

Rindou also though the same as he recalled a time when Izana beat a woman up for touching him and asking for his number shamelessly.

Well, she deserves it anyway.

Ran was deciding whether to bring her or not, while slightly afraid of the president's reaction if he saw a stranger walking into the meeting.

But part of him couldn't deny her since she is giving puppy eyes to the brothers.

So cute! My heart can't take it!

With that, the Haitani brothers agreed to let her come to the meeting as their heart were gonna burst by the cuteness emitted by (Y/n).


It was night time as the meeting will be held at 8.00 pm. Ran and Rindou reminded (Y/n) that they will be fetching her which made the Yato dance happily.

Caught My Heart 💓 ( Tokyo Revengers x Reader x Slight! Gintama)Where stories live. Discover now