Chapter 34

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Finally he knew the one who hitted him on the head wasn't his younger brother but it was instead the black haired female.

Apparently, she thought of an idea to wake him up from coma, which was bonking him on the head.


And the pain was too much, which cause him to wake, his head in pain.

But he was glad that he woke up from the coma.

"So... (Y/n)-chan is an alien?"

Shinchiro asked his younger brother while looking at the said alien.

The said looked like a normal human to him. A very pretty looking female.

"I don't believe it."

Well, Mikey couldn't blame him for not believing it.

(Y/n) who heard them finally speak up.

"I can show it to you!" She exclaimed while Mikey backed away from them.

His older brother looked at him confusedly, seeing his younger brother being weird.

He shrugged, thinking he was sick. Since Mikey was just awake from his fainting. Yup.

I'm not gonna get my hair puffed up again!

(Y/n) smiled as she stood up from her chair before trying to find someone to proof she's an alien.

She then saw her signature red parasol leaning on Shinchiro's chair.

"Shinchiro-kun! Can you get that parasol for me?"

He turned, seeing the red parasol. So, it was her parasol.

"Sure, (Y/n)-chan." Handing the parasol to her as she replied thanks to him.

Mikey watched them in silence while sweating, thinking that something bad about to happened.

"Now then, let me show you!"

She said excitedly as she pointed her parasol to the window.

Shinchiro and Mikey turned to the window. Although the younger made sure to spare a glance at the black haired female too.

Both of them watched in slow motion as a bullet was shot from her parasol.

And the it was not a normal minigun bullet. It was the bazooka bullet instead.

(Y/n) pressed the other button instead.

"Is that a bazoo-" He was cutted off as he saw the window glass shattered.


The impact made the black haired male's hair puffed out as he coughed out the smoke.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Shinchiro screamed in horror.

The yato showed a peace to them, acting as if she didn't do anything.

Mikey was fine because he stood far away from them.

But what was amazing to them was (Y/n) looking fine to them, like her hair wasn't even puffed out.

Just as Mikey's about to opened his mouth, the three of them heard loud footsteps approaching the room.

The door was yet again yeeted open seeing Dr Saiki panting out loud.

His eyes widened is shocked seeing that a part of the building was gone, feeling the wind breezing.


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