Chapter 51

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(Y/n) stood at the entrance, followed by the members of Toman and Tejiku. They've finally back on Earth after few hours.

What caught her eye were the large group of police gathered in front of the entrance.

And a freaking SWAT TEAM?!

All of this happened because of a certain person, and it was the fourth division Captain of Toman.

Smiley. Who stood beside Angry, smiling as if he did nothing wrong. After getting beated up, he still managed to smile widely. She applaud him for that.

"This is your fault, Smiley." Mikey deadpanned, still grumpy he didn't get to travel to other planets.

The mentioned male only scratched his head while smiling, "Hehehe I'm sorry..." He apologized.

Looking back to the police, he caught someone familiar running towards them. The person was his mother who panicked and called the police after receiving a very shocking message from his son.

He gulped nervously seeing the figure approaching closer.

"Oh my god, Nahayo and Souya!" The twin's mother exclaimed worriedly, "Did you both really went to the outer space?!"

The peach haired male send a glance to his younger twin, signalling for him to explain to their mom.

Angry gave him a glare before grabbing their mother's hand and pulling her to the other side, starting to explain what happened.

"I feel like it's my fault for bringing them with me..." (Y/n) sighed, regretting her action for inviting them.

What should I do? She thought, thinking hard to think of an idea for this situation.

She smirked to herself mischievously, thinking of an idea. I could just get myself away from here hehe....

Yes, our (Y/n) is very evil sometimes.

With that, she was gone in just a mere second, appearing at a somewhat familiar street by using her fast speed.

No one seemed to notice her escaping from the scene.

But not before she prayed for her friend's safety, well to pray for them from their family's wrath.

Good luck, everyone.

Looking around her, a shop caught her eye. Walking closer to the shop, she squinted her eyes as she read the signboard.

"A bike shop?"

She still remembered the oldest Sano used to describe her about the shop he opened before which was a bike shop.

Deciding to go inside, she pushed the door lightly as she stepped inside. But instead of seeing Shinchiro, there were a stranger sitting on the floor.

The male with striped pattern purple dyed and blond hair and tied in a ponytail turned to the entrance as someone stepped inside the shop.

But he wasn't expecting a woman to enter the shop, who doesn't look like the type to fix a broken bike.

And the woman was very pretty with her long black hair and shiny dark blue eyes as well as the kimono she was wearing.

Feeling his cheeks was getting hotter, still staring at the yato.

He thinks she was the most prettiest person he ever met.

Meanwhile (Y/n) was still standing at the entrance, feeling herself getting slightly nervous at the male who wouldn't stop gazing at her.

Is he sick because his face is so red!  She thought worriedly.

Wakasa finally noticed he has been staring too long as he snapped out of it, cussing to himself for making the black haired female uncomfortable.

Calming himself down, he stood up, shyly approaching (Y/n).

The yato sighed as the other stopped staring at her, watching the male walking towards her.

As he got closer, she then looked at his features, he has droopy lilac eyes and downturned lips.

His lashes were also particularly long and he wears a red drop earring on his left earlobe.

He is so pretty! She gushed mentally.

"Hi! I am (Y/n) Yato! Nice to meet you!" She introduced herself excitedly, wanting to know more about the pretty male.

Wakasa started a little at the cheerful greeting as he bowed at her, "N-Nice to meet you, I am Wakasa Imaushi."

(Y/n) nodded at the reply, "I'll call you Wakasa-kun then!"

Here (Y/n) was, sitting on the floor as she conversed with Wakasa. "So you are Shinchiro-kun's friend?"

She learned that Wakasa was also a black dragon member before during the first generation.

He nodded, mentally applauding himself for being able to talk well with her.

"Yeah. But he is not here though, so I am here to look out for the shop while he is out."

"Did he told you why he was out?"

"I think he said that his younger brothers got kidnapped by an alien or something." (Y/n) sweatdropped, listening to what he said.

Yes, he was actually right.

Apparently the former Black Dragon captain was fixing up his bike with the television switched on a live news channel when he heard the news reporter mentioned about a group of teenagers had been traveling to an alien planet.

The CCTV managed to capture some moments, and he saw a glimpse of his younger brothers, Manjiro and Izana with a dumbfounded expressions, standing at the airport entrance.

It reminded me of a certain person....He thought nervously.

Because of that, Shinchiro hurried up and went to the airport while informing the other he will be saving his younger brothers.

Poor Wakasa only nodded at him, thinking it was just a fake news and the taller was being dumb as always.

If Shinchiro went there, she was sure that Taiju went there as well. And the most scariest person, Baji's mom.

If only Smiley didn't sent the picture to his mother, this wouldn't happened at all.

The male with droopy lilac eyes looked at the female who was spotting a weird expression. Feeling worried, "Are you okay, (Y/n)-chan?" He asked.

(Y/n) nodded while laughing nervously, "Of course I am!"

"Are you sure?" He asked again, not believing what she said.

"Yes! Don't worry about me!"

As she was about to continue, she turned to the entrance, noticing someone went inside the shop.

"(Y/n)-chan?" The person said.

"Hello, Inui-kun!"

I'm really really sorry for the late update haha, I've been really busy with my work and school nowadays

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I'm really really sorry for the late update haha, I've been really busy with my work and school nowadays.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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