Chapter 46

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"It has been an hour but (Y/n)-chan is still fighting the dragons...." Kakucho said, getting worried for the black haired female.

But what was weird about her was she was not actually serious on fighting the dragons, not using her parasol to shoot bullets at them, which would've killed them for now.

"Yeah, I'm sure (Y/n)-chan can defeat it easily." The white haired male replied, sparing glance at Mikey to make sure he's alright.

(Y/n) kept jumping to avoid the attack from the dragons, sending punches and kicking them on their body.

But the dragons recovered from the attacks easily after a few minutes. As if the fight won't end forever.

The yato landed back on the ground as she laughed loudly, earning confused expressions from the males, "You guys are as lively as ever!"

"(Y/n)-chan, WATCH OUT!" Kazutora yelled when one of the dragon suddenly stormed to her.

But she was just standing there, looking fine as the dragons surrounded her, a smile on her face  when she turned to look at the males, who found a large rock to hide behind it.

"Come here!" She called over as they stood up hesitantly.

"I-I am scared, (Y/n)-chan..." Baji stuttered, thinking that the dragon will eat him up.

"It's fine, come on!" She insisted, gesturing them to come over.

Hiding behind the yato, they looked warily at the dragons who was blinking at them rapidly.

A dragon then approached the males as Ran shrieked at the closeness between them, starting to sweat nervously.

(Y/n) chuckled at his reaction, walking to them when she stroked the dragon's face lovingly and it purred in response.

"Is that your pet, (Y/n)-chan?!" Mikey shrieked, realising she mentioned that she came here to visit her pets.

The yato nodded as she grabbed Mikey's wrist, closing it to it's face.

He closed his eyes tightly, praying that his hands won't get bitten off but it didn't happen when he opened his eyes.

The dragon was purring at him! "Oh my god, it's so cute!" He squeaked, dragging his older brother to play with it.

Izana smiled at his younger brother's excited reaction before giving the dragon a pat on it's head as well.

"Don't be scared guys! They are very friendly!" (Y/n) exclaimed excitedly, happy that her pets seems to like her friends.

Draken raised his eyebrow at the black haired female as he tried to pushed the dragon's head off, who was trying to lick him on the head,  "(Y/n)-chan, why did the dragons attacked you in the first place?"

Everyone except for him and Chifuyu was playing with the dragons, choosing to talk with (Y/n) instead.

She looked at the Haitani brothers, who was riding on the dragons happily, their eyes sparkling in amazement.

Deciding to kept an eye on them just in case her dragon got too excited when playing and yeeted them away.

"The dragons likes to play with me! It's our tradition!"

"You mean like dragons who likes to play with stronger person?" Chifuyu asked as he watched his crybaby partner, gesturing the dragon that Haitani brothers was riding on to come over so he can join the ride too.

The dragon did as he told, although Ran and Rindou sweatdropped at Takemichi who was struggling to climb on it.

(Y/n) laughed at his antics before helping him up by carrying him up and placing him to sit behind the younger Haitani, who told him to place his hands around his waist so he won't fall down.

"Thank you, (Y/n)-chan!" He thanked the yato as she nodded before looking at Chifuyu, "To answer your question, I actually fought the dragons for almost two weeks before I tamed them."

"Really?! Don't you get tired at all?"

Shaking her head at them, she replied, "Not at all! It was actually really fun!'

(Y/n)-chan is so dangerous... Draken and Chifuyu thought absentmindedly.

Everyone except for the Haitani brothers and Takemichi stopped playing with the dragons, were now sitting on the ground while panting a little.

The three of them was still riding on the dragon excitedly.

Well, the dragons was excited to play with them but the delinquents got tired, since they were too hyperactive.

But what was funny to the yato was Smiley and Angry who were playing catch with one of the dragon.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked at the panting males.

Hakkai gave her a thumbs up, "Y-Yup we are fine, (Y/n)-chan."

"I wanna ask, why were you the only one here?"  The lilac haired male asked, confirming no one was indeed on the planet.

(Y/n) smiled sadly at his question, while they looked at her reaction, feeling worried for what she was gonna say.

"There used to be." She stated as they listened carefully, "But everyone died, either from old age or sickness."

Their eyes widened at her reply, "Y-You are immortal, (Y/n)-chan?" Kakucho questioned in amazement as the black haired female nodded.

" be honest I've forgotten how old I am now." She joked, but there were no response from anyone.

"(Y/n)-chan..." Mikey trailed out with a frown on his face, "You must be lonely, right?"

She nodded with a sad smile, dark blue eyes glistening with tears.

The males stared at her sadly, since this was the first time they saw the always happy go lucky (Y/n) became sad.

Izana and Mikey who was sitting beside the yato held her hands gently, trying to comfort her.

"The reason why I was attached to you all was because I wanna spend more time with you guys." She replied, tears starting to fell from her eyes.

Everyone also felt their hearts hurting, seeing the black haired female crying as she continued, "I wanted you guys to be happy as well, to always stay healthy and safe."

Sniffles could be heard as they tried not to cry out as well, feeling touched by what she said.

(Y/n) turned and smiled at the siblings who was sitting beside her as she tightened her grip on their hand.

"I love you all so much."

" _______________________________________

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