Chapter 32

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After recovering himself from embarrassment, Mikey and (Y/n) were now in the hospital.

Both of them walked next to each other, heading to Shinchiro's room.

Upon arriving, Mikey opened the door for her, letting her go inside first before entering last.

The first thing she heard was the heart monitor beeping.

And the person lying down on the bed.

Mikey saw the black haired female looking at his brother with a sad expression.

"(Y/n)-chan." She turned to Mikey, smiling at her.

He then gestured her to sit on the chair next to the bed.

"Come sit here, (Y/n)-chan."

She nodded, walking towards the chair and sitting on it while the blonde haired male stood next to her.

"Isn't my brother handsome, (Y/n)-chan?" He asked, grinning at her.

(Y/n) nodded in agreement, gazing over at Shinchiro's face.

He looked so peaceful.

"Want me to tell you everything about my older brother?"

_______________________________________ she learned was a very good person.

She listened as Mikey told her about his older brother, his eyes sparkled in excitement.

Although she knew deep inside that he hoped for Shinchiro to be awake soon.

Mikey also enjoyed talking about his older brother to the yato.

He wishes nii-san will be awake soon.

"Mikey-kun.." (Y/n) called, turning to her. "Your brother is a great person."

He grinned in reply, "Of course he is!"

(Y/n) nodded while smiling. She then gripped Shinchiro's hand tighly, before gripping Mikey's hand too.

The action made Mikey blushed a little.

"(Y/n)-chan?" He asked, wondering what she was doing.

"Let's wake your brother up, Mikey-kun!" She exclaimed confidently.

Wake him up? But how?!

"W-Wake him up? How would you do that?"

(Y/n) huffed as she let go of their hand before standing up.

"I have an idea of course!"

Forming her hand into a fist, preparing to punch someone.

And the person she gonna punch was his older brother.

His brother who was in a coma.

Because he got hitted in the head by a wrench.

And now (Y/n) was gonna hit him on the head again.

(Y/n) smiled as she prepared her fist, ignoring the horrified expression on Mikey's face.

"It's time to wake up, Shinchiro!" She cooed with a sickly sweet smile.

"(Y/n)-chan NOOOO!!!!"

Mikey screeched at her as he looked in horror at the fist making contact with his brother's head.


Shinchiro felt as if he just woke up from a very long dream.

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