Chapter 57

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The two Akashi siblings were still waiting for their two executives, Wakasa and Benkei to arrive to Brahman's turf along with Toman gang.

The leader groaned loudly as she put her legs on the table, "They are taking so long to arrive!"

Her older sighed at her complaint, "Be patient, Senju. They will be here soon."

Just as Takeomi said that, footsteps was heard outside the entrance as he whacked his younger sister's head lightly, "Sit like a normal person."

"Ow!" She pouted before doing as he said.

The door opened revealing the two executives standing beside Toman and....there were another gang here too.

"Tenjiku?" Both of them thought.

Seeing the long platinum haired male with droopy green eyes as the younger glared at him.

Sanzu noticing his younger sister glaring at him as he scoffed behind his mask, causing her to irked while their oldest brother only sighed at their antics.

She then looked away from him angrily as she saw another presence between the leaders of the two gangs, she has long straight black hair, dark blue eyes and a red parasol in her hand.

Senju's anger disappeared as her eyes lit up at the sight of the yato. "Onee-san!" Takeomi became confused on how she knows the female.

"Ara? It's Senju-chan." (Y/n) exclaimed with a big smile as Senju hugged her tightly. Patting her light pink hair fondly while the others were confused at the sight, just like Takeomi.

"You know her, (Y/n)-chan?" Mikey questioned as she nodded, noticing the younger haven't let go of the hug yet, which made him jealous.

"Hey! Let go of (Y/n)-chan!" He ordered as he glared at her.

(Y/n) frowned at the loud noise, "Mikey-kun, it's not good to yell like that."

"But...I want a hug too!"

She chuckled more before replying, "I'll hug you guys later, okay?"

Takeomi only watched them dumbfoundedly, "Are they really the leaders of the most fearless gang?"

After Takeomi forcefully pulled his younger sister from (Y/n), the three leaders were now sitting around a round table as the other members stood behind them.

While our (Y/n) was eating her desserts happily she received from Senju on the other side. "(Y/n)-chan! Come and join us too!"

"Okay!" She replied to Izana as she stood up, sitting between the Sano Siblings.

The white haired male laughed seeing (Y/n) doing her usual antics, "You and your unending desserts."

"(Y/n)-chan! I want one too!" Mikey pointed out at the bags full of desserts she had in her grip.

Senju glared at Mikey, "That desserts is for nee-san!"

(Y/n) and Izana only sighed at the argument in front of them as Kazutora bent down a little to whisper into her ears, "Do your thing, (Y/n)-chan."

An idea popped into her head, "Oh! You are right!"

"If you both don't stop fighting...." Mikey and Senju stopped as they turned behind, the murderous aura surrounding her.

They gulped, getting scared of (Y/n).

"Then I won't talk to you both anymore! " She ended with a smile on her face.

"YES MA'AM!" Both of them saluted as the two leaders shook their hands with a forced smile.

(Y/n) clapped her hands in delight, "Yay! Let's continue the meeting!"

As the three of them discussed about the enemy's gang, Rokuhara Tandai, the yato and the others listened carefully while she ate her pudding.

"The leader of the gang, South Terano has high physical ability." Senju explained to them while handing them a picture of him.

"I also heard that he killed his former guardian."

Their eyes widened at the information as (Y/n) clutched her hand in anger, causing the metal spoon she was holding bent into a unrecognisable shape.

"Oops." She muttered before showing them the spoon. "Can I have a new spoon?"

"What the hell..." The Brahman members except Wakasa thought in unison as they looked at (Y/n) blinking innocently at them.

Whilst Toman and Tenjiku didn't even acted surprised at the sight.

Wakasa walked to the kitchen before coming out with another new spoon as he handed it to the yato.

"Thank you so much, Wakasa-kun!"

Shaking off the shocking scene they saw earlier, the black haired female was feeling sleepy all of a sudden after the desserts she ate as she kept nodding her head off.

Kakucho who noticed she was falling asleep managed to caught her head gently before she hit the table, "(Y/n)-chan is asleep." He exclaimed as the others looked at the sleeping (Y/n).

They chuckled at the cute antics as he leaned her head on his leader's shoulder, Benkei then handed him a blanket and Mikey placed the blanket on her body.

"She must've eaten too much sugary foods. That's why she fell asleep." Draken said while the others nodded in agreement, smiles on their faces

The meeting then continued on with them talking in a low voice so that (Y/n) can enjoy her sleep.

Feeling someone shaking her shoulders lightly as she opened her eyes slowly, "Wake up, (Y/n)-chan."

"Chifuyu-kun?" After the others left, he volunteered to look after (Y/n) not before Mikey instructed to keep her safe.

He was sitting beside her, noticing she was leaning her head on his shoulder.

Looking around her as she saw there were no one around, making her confused, "Where is the others?"

"They already went out for the upcoming fight later."

"I see." Standing up as she stretched her body and grabbing her signature parasol, "Let's go then!"

Chifuyu nodded before grabbing her hand, making her stopped on her tracks as she turned behind.

"Promise me you won't join the fight?"

Dark blue eyes became soft at what he said to her, "I will try not to then."

"That's not a real promise, (Y/n)-chan." He frowned as she laughed lightly before hugging him, catching him off guard.

"Alright then. I promise I won't, okay?" She assured, letting go of the hug as Chifuyu felt his heart beating loudly with his cheeks feeling hot.

Not waiting for his reply she then walked away first, snapping the blushing male out as he ran after (Y/n).

"Wait for me, (Y/n)-chan!"

Who's excited for the upcoming fight against South? Well I am excited!😆😆

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Who's excited for the upcoming fight against South? Well I am excited!😆😆

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