Chapter 36

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The injured black-haired female was now undergoing an operation in the hospital. The two person who brought (Y/n) was now sitting outside.

Dried blood was splattered across the front of her coat and her scarf, as well on her face. It was (Y/n)-chan's blood.

There was only silence between them as they sat next to each other. Emma still hasn't stopped crying, her hands pressed together as she prayed for (Y/n) to be all right.

"Please be all right, (Y/n)-chan..."

Her older brother was crying silently as he slumped against the wall mindlessly.

"Mikey! Emma-chan!" Someone yelled out as Emma jerked her head up to the voice.

There, was the higher-ups from Toman standing while panting heavily.

They immediately rushed to the hospital when they heard someone was hurt.

But seeing their commander and younger sister was fine, MItsuya and Draken walked to the two figures huddled together.

The lilac-haired male kneeled in front of them, holding both of their cold hands.

"What happened?" Mitsuya asked, looking at their expressions.

Emma only cried harder in reply, while his commander only kept silent.

"Yeah, what happened?" The vice commander asked, kneeling next to the second division captain.

Both of them were worried as hell. They didn't know what happened at all, immediately rushing here when Emma suddenly called them while in tears.

"A-Ain't that (Y/n)-chan's parasol?" The crybaby hero stuttered as he pointed at the parasol shakingly.

The red parasol that (Y/n) always carried was there, leaning on the chair. But, the owner wasn't here at all.

The captains' eyes widened in horror, Chifuyu gasped out loud, his eyes in tears.

Everyone's reaction was the same as well.

"D-Don't tell me.... (Y/n)-chan was hurt?" Baji stuttered, clenching his fist in anger.

The fourth division captain wasn't even smiling like he always does as he held his younger brother's hand, who was trembling.

Souya was crying next to him.

"What happened....? Mikey, Emma-chan?" Takemichi asked, ignoring the tears on his face.

Mikey hesitated before speaking up "I was on the way to visit my brother in the hospital. But I met Izana."

"Izana?" Draken said angrily.

The male in front nodded quietly,  gazing on the floor, choosing not to look at his members.

"When I was stopped by him, he issued the to challenge against Toman. Which was tonight, 8 pm at the 7th pier in Yokohama." 

He then stopped before continuing as Mitsuya felt Mikey's hand was shaking,

 "But then, Emma screamed."

Emma flinched at the mention of her name. The others also surrounded them as Kazutora placed his hand on her shoulder gently.

"Emma-chan...what happened to (Y/n)-chan?"

She didn't even push his hand away as she tried to wipe her tears, "We were just walking together."

Before continuing, "But then I heard a motorbike coming to us at a very fast speed."

She then tried to remember what happened, everything happened too fast. "The passenger lifted a bat."

Everyone's breath hitched, knowing what happened next.

"(Y/n)-chan...she pushed me away. Because the bat was aimed towards me." 

She hiccupped as tears were spilling down her cheeks. "The next thing I saw was (Y/n)-chan laying on the ground, blood around her. 

"Who tell hell did this?!" Baji yelled, fuming in anger.

"I will fucking kill them." 

Their precious (Y/n) was hurt. Their sweet (Y/n), despite not being a human. She was very kind to all of them.

Even she was the one that helped Taiju reconcile with his siblings.

Hakkai knew she was the one who helped them when he asked his older brother. 

Everyone was getting mad as time passed by.

Emma's eyes then widened in realization, "T-The passenger's skin was dark. He was wearing glasses too."

"It was Kisaki." Takemichi muttered, knowing well who the person Emma described.

Mikey's hand curled into a fist, he felt his anger building up in his chest. He wanted to scream out loud, wanting to kill Kisaki with his own hands.

He finally looked to his younger sister, who was still crying as his body trembled. He wanted her to stop crying, but even he himself can't stop crying.

"Emma? Mikey?" Someone called out.

All of them looked at the person calling them.

Shinchiro was just walking around since he was bored, his younger brother informed him that he and his younger sister will be visiting him soon.

But time passed and both of them weren't here yet. So he decided to take a walk instead till he saw many people were gathered up.

It was Mikey's friends and some unknown members. He then looked closer as he stopped walking. Mikey and Emma were sitting on the chairs, both of them were crying.

But a certain black-haired female wasn't with them.

Why were they crying?

Mikey and Emma only cried harder as their older brother strolled to their side. The others were just silent.


Baji, Kazutora, as well as others, was surprised to see Shinchiro behind them. He was supposed to be in a coma, right?

But they chose to keep silent instead. The others made way for him as he stopped in front of his siblings.

Kneeling in front of them, he looked at them sadly, his heart hurting seeing his siblings crying. 

He then pulled them into a tight hug as he patted their back, trying to soothe their crying. 

Mikey pulled away as he looked at his older brother, his black eyes were dark and hollow.

His older flinched at the expression on his younger brother. "Nii-san... (Y/n)-chan...."

Hearing the mention of the yato, his eyes widened,

"Don't tell me, (Y/n)-chan is...."

Shinchiro trailed out, hoping it wasn't true. His younger siblings only nodded their heads at him.


You can't die.....


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