Chapter 25

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"Where are you going, (Y/n)-chan?" Hakkai asked with red eyes and running nose as he finished crying.

(Y/n) huffed fondly at him, patting his damp cheek with her another handkerchief.

Because her other handkerchief was full of his tears and snots.

And she definitely not gonna use that to wipe his face.

"I'm going somewhere, Hakkai-kun." She replied him, folding her handkerchief and putting it inside her inner kimono pocket.

The taller watched her in silence as he has a bad feeling that something about to happened.

"Y-You're not going to kick my brother's ass again right?" He asked in a timid tone.

"Of course....not!" She said with a smile.

Hakkai nodded, even though he wasn't assured by what she said.


"Yes! I'm going to do some stuff!" She said happily.

"And don't forget to tell the others about what happened!" She chimed in, referring to Toman.

She hugged him one last time before waving at him with a smile, walking away to somewhere.

"Please infrorm the others that I'm sorry for suddenly leaving!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Hakkai waved back sadly.

"Bye, Hakkai-kun!" She said one last time before leaving him.

He wanted to spend more time with the black haired girl.

Although he was happy that (Y/n) didn't blame him for what happened to him earlier.

Instead she comforted him. He smiled thinking about the kind hearted (Y/n).

He also made sure to apologize to his older sister later.

I am gonna protect Yuzuha and (Y/n)-chan!

After (Y/n) left Hakkai, she was now walking back to the spot when black dragon members appeared.

Looking around her, no one was there. Only her bullets was left on the ground.

Whoa, no one is here.

She then walked to a convenience store, wanting to buy an ice cream before continuing her journey.

Opening the door as she stepped inside, her gaze on the freezer.

What she didn't knew was Koko and Inui were inside there too, buying medical supplies for their injured leader.

He was still knocked up as Inui instructed one the members to bring him back to Black Dragon's turf.

That's why both of them were now looking for medical supplies which was bandages and medical liquid. (Idk what it is called)

"Do you see them?' the sunflower blonde haired asked his friend.

Koko shook his head, sighing as he rubbed his temple, "That woman is freaking crazy, suddenly shooting bullets at us."

He shivered at the thought of meeting (Y/n) again, although he thinks she is very pretty.

Inui thought the same too.

"Yeah, I agree. But you can't deny she is quite pretty." Inui replied, his eyes roaming over the shelf.

"Me too!" A female voice chimed in.

"What the fuc-" Koko yelled as he was startled by the sudden voice, turning to face the person behind him.

Inui, who already turned only froze on the spot with Koko who finally knew whose voice was that.

"IT IS THE WOMAN WITH PARASOL!" They thought in unison as they shivered in front of her.

"Where is your leader?" (Y/n) asked the two males.

Or more like the female threatening them in their vision.

"H-He's at black dragon turf!" Koko squealed out, his hands sweating nervously.

While the male next to him nodded frantically, "Y-Yes! We are not lying!" Inui stuttered as he trembled.

(Y/n) only looked at them as she sweatdropped, "Do I really look that scary?" She thought while looking at the two shivering males.

She waved her hands at them, laughing softly, "Please don't be scared! I am not gonna eat you!" She assured.

Koko and Inui nodded as they stopped shivering, glancing at her red parasol every few seconds.

They were scared that the yato will fire the bullets at them if they made her mad or something.

She then saw the black haired male was holding a roll of bandage, while the sunflower blonde haired male has a medical liquid in his hands.

"Oh! You buying them for your leader?" She asked them.

Koko nodded slowly, still scared of her, "Y-Yeah!"

She nodded in understanding, "I see! Let's go! I'll pay for it!" She said as she snatched the bandage and medical liquid from their hands.

She made her way to the counter, with a basket full of ice creams.

The cashier's eyes widened seeing the amount of ice cream in the basket.

Meanwhile Koko and Inui was still standing at the same spot.


The leader of Black Dragon groaned as he rubbed his face in pain.

He just woke up when his face felt like burning all of a sudden.

Rubbing his face as he tried to remember what happened earlier which cause him to get knocked out.

A woman just smacked me in the face with her umbrella! He thought horrifiedly as he finally remembered what happened.

Her umbrella was like a freaking baseball bat! It hurts like hell!

"Where the hell is Koko and Inui?!" He asked angrily at one of the member.

The male shivered a little at the leader's wrath, "T-They went out to buy some stuff!"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Taiju yelled in a harsh voice as the other members left the turf.

The door then opened as Koko and Inui entered, "What took you so long, huh?" Taiju said angrily as he glared at them.

The two only looked at them with a weird expression on their face.

"Don't you know it is not good to yell at someone for no reason?" A female voiced out

A figure then stepped out behind the two males, his eyes widended, seeing the familiar woman.

"Hi!" She greeted him with a grin.


I wanna say sorry for the error on this chapter! I accidentally published it when i wanted to press save instead

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I wanna say sorry for the error on this chapter! I accidentally published it when i wanted to press save instead. 🤦

Thank you so much for all the votes! I appreciate it so much! Love you all! 💗💓

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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