Chapter 40

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Of course, (Y/n) won't shoot the black haired male with a yellow streak in the middle.

She was just teasing him.

"What? Come on, shoot me~" She teased as she tapped her closed parasol against her shoulder.

Seeing the female being distracted while talking to the other male,

Kisaki then snatched her parasol away before throwing it on the ground far away.

Baji gulped nervously, knowing what will happen next.

"Wow, he just yeeted my parasol away." (Y/n) exclaimed, her dark blue eyes blinking.

Kisaki and Hanma grinned at her,

"Now you're nothing without your stupid umbrella!"

The yato gave a hum before she started to twist her arm, warming up her body.

She nodded in satisfaction.

Yup, I'm ready to kick some ass.

The yato stared deadly at the two males, who were standing next to each other with grins on their faces.

But their grins was gone as (Y/n) walked to their direction in a slow speed.

Even of it's slow, the aura from her is scary.

Hanma blinked his eyes and the next thing he knew was there was a sound of something cracking.

Kisaki was the one who screamed as he clutched his broken arm.

She wasn't here.

"H-How?!" He looked around nervously, trying to spot the female.

He felt his heart stopped pumping when someone whispered on his ears,

"Behind you~"

(Y/n) punched his face, grinning when she heard the crack sound.

Feeling the blood dripping from his nose, he yelled in pain.


"Oh my, are you guys scared?"

Hanma jerked his head up at the voice, seeing the female smirking at him.

"I'll fucking kill you, bitch."

Kisaki gritted out as he sat up, taking out his gun.

He knew that she can't protect herself of her stupid umbrella is not here.

Rindou who thought the parasol is important to her, grabbing it as he called her.

"(Y/n)-chan, catch it!" The parasol was thrown to her, catching it easily.

The black haired female grinned at him, "Thanks, Rindou-kun!"

Kisaki and Hanma's face paled when she got her parasol back.

Both of them don't know why they felt so intimidated by the parasol.

It was just a normal looking umbrella, right?

The yato felt her lips tug up as she wrapped her hand around the handle of the red parasol,

"We better back away from them."

Draken exclaimed making the Tenjiku higher ups confused.

The ones who knew what the yato gonna do also backed away from them.

"Eh, why?" The older Haitani asked, backing away as well.

"You will know why soon."

Caught My Heart 💓 ( Tokyo Revengers x Reader x Slight! Gintama)Where stories live. Discover now