Chapter 56

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"I can't believe Rokuhara Tandai picking a fight with us." The leader of Brahman said in destressed.

Senju's older brother sighed, "He is tough opponent. I am not sure if Benkei and Wakasa can defeat him."

"Let's wait for Toman to arrive." She replied, relieved that Toman were willing to form an alliance with Brahman.

Takeomi had asked his best friend, Shinchiro to discussed about the upcoming fight with his younger brother, Mikey who was the leader of Toman.

Right now they were waiting for them to arrived although he slightly wanted to know the mysterious female who apparently woke Shinchiro up from his coma with just a hit on the head.

Even Wakasa wouldn't tell him about her. The male with ponytail looked like he was actually in love with her which irked him even more.

"Nii-san?" Senju called out as she watched Takeomi in deep thoughts.

"Yes, Senju?"

"I am hungry." He sighed, "Alright. Alright. I will get some food for you."

She cheered as she put her hands up, "Yay! Thanks nii - san."

The yato sighed, feeling stressed about the chaos happening around her.

"Fucking line up!" She sighed even more from the loud voice.

All of this happened because she helped the older Haitani brother to tied his hair, which he happily compiled to.

Of course, everyone gathered because of a fight upcoming with another gang and she was dragged out here too by the Sano Siblings.

The three siblings brought her here to their house as time passed by, everyone gathered from Tenjiku and Toman.

(Y/n) saw Ran's hair was messy as she called him to sit in front of her while she helped him to made his hair neater.

Mikey who saw them became jealous so the others saw it and requested for her to help them style their hair too.

Except for the normal ones, well you know who right?

"Please stop fighting..." She muttered to herself as the others ignored her, still busy fighting each other.

Her eyes twitched as she forced herself to smile, feeling her veins popping out.


The idiots kneeled on the floor,  bumps visible on each of their heads after getting hit by the angry (Y/n).

Mitsuya sighed looking at the scene before patting her back, trying to calm her down, "Ne, (Y/n)-chan. Stop being mad, okay?"

She rubbed her temples tiredly as Emma grabbed her hands, "Yeah, how about I bring you some dessert?" The blonde haired female suggested.

(Y/n)'s dark blue eyes twinkled, "R-Really?"

Emma sighed in reilef, happy that the yato is back being normal, "Yeah! Let's go together!"

"Yay! I'm so excited!" With that the both girls went to the kitchen before Emma gave them a nod.

"EMMA! YOU ARE THE BEST!" They thought in unison, crying mentally.

"You guys should stop being a simp." Ran chimed in as he smirked smugly.

"Says the one who always fanboy over her." His younger brother chimed in.

"Hey! Don't expose me!"

The black haired female ate her strawberry cake she received from Emma happily, savouring the sweet and sour flavor, "Umai! So delicious!"

"Is it delicious, (Y/n)-chan?" The white haired male with orchid eyes asked with a smile as he watched her enjoying her cake.

(Y/n) nodded excitedly, "Yes! You should have some too!" She replied before using her spoon to give him a bike of the cake.

Izana blushed at the bold action, "O-Okay. Thanks (Y/n)-chan.."

She chuckled seeing his mouth has cream on it, taking out her handkerchief as she helped him wipe them.

"Y- Y/n chan?!" He blushed even harder.

"Your mouth is dirty, silly!" She teased with a chuckle, oblivious to the blushing face.

Kakucho walked inside the kitchen saw his leader who was blushing, "Izana? You okay?' he asked with a frown.

He only nodded in reply, "Y-Yeah. I'm gonna go out to check on Manjiro." With that he left the kitchen leaving the two of them staring after his figure.

"Wanna have a bite, Kakucho-kun?"

"H-Huh?" Now it was his turn to blush.

"Yo, Shin." The two executives of Brahman greeted their former leader of black dragon.

"Hey! Please wait while I call them to come out." The black haired male replied before going inside the house.

Benkei and Wakasa turned to each other with a confused expressions, "It sounded like he brought another gang with him."

The shorter nodded, staring into the entrance of the house, "I guess so. The more the merrier I guess."

Hearing multiple steps from the house, the door then opened revealing Shinchiro as he was the first one to come out before the others followed behind.

Although they were slightly weirded out by the visible bumps on some of the members heads. Especially Mikey who had more than one bump.

"What the hell happened?"

"Hello, Wakasa-san and Benkei-san!" The two gangs greeted them as they replied with a wave.

Wakasa sweatdropped, "Shin, you brought Tenjiku too?"

He replied, rubbing his head sheepishly, "They can help Brahman, I guarantee!"

"Alright." He added, "Is that all?"

Turning back to count the number of people, realising a certain yato weren't with them, "(Y/n)-chan! We are gonna leave now!" He yelled out as a cheerful voice replied.

"Please wait a moment, Shinchiro-kun!"

"Please wait a moment, Shinchiro-kun!" _______________________________________

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