Chapter 24

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"OH MY GOD! THAT PARASOL IS FIRING BULLETS!" One of the delinquents yelled, jumping like mad to avoid the bullets.

Koko and Inui almost wetted their pants, their heart jumping quickly when the black haired girl suddenly fired bullets from the parasol.

"That woman is crazy!" Koko yelled, trying to avoid the bullets.

"PLEASE STOP SHOOTING! I'M SORRY!" Inui apologized, begging her to stop tormenting them.

The yato only smiled at them, as she twisted the handle of her parasol, the bullets then stopped shooting.

The delinquents sighed in relief as she finally stopped shooting. But she was just teasing them.

"How about no?❤️" She teased them as she pressed the button again, firing the bullets.

"HELP ME!" The delinquents screamed in horror.

Meanwhile, the crybaby hero, his girlfriend, hakkai and his older sister sweatdropped watching the yato firing the bullets with a creepy smile on her face.

"She is scary...." Takemichi muttered to them as they nodded nervously.

"Yeah." They said in unison.

(Y/n) finally stopped shooting the bullets for real as she put down the parasol.

There were many bullets lying on the ground. The delinquents also plopped down on the ground in exhaustion.

Some of them also fainted in shock.

Koko and Inui panted tiredly, sweating furiously.

"What that?!" Koko yelled, pointing at the red parasol.

"It fucking shot bullets at us." Inui said, looking at the parasol trembling.

The black haired girl smirked at them, "Wanna try again?" She told them as she pointed the parasol at them.

They shaked their head frantically, they putted their hands up in surrender.


Just as (Y/n) was about to open her mouth, Yuzuha then grabbed her wrist, "Let's go, (Y/n)-chan." She said while looking at her nervously.

The ginger haired female thought that (Y/n) was gonna shoot at them again.

Her younger brother nodded, grabbing her other wrist, "Y-Yeah, let's go eat dessert okay?" He pleaded (Y/n).

Although he thinks they deserves it for threatening his older sister and (Y/n).

"Oh! Desserts!" (Y/n) said happily, seemingly forgetting what she was about to say earlier.

Someone suddenly appeared, lunging towards Takemichi and knocking him to the ground.

"BEHIND YOU!" Hinata called out nervously.

"UGH!" Takemichi coughed out, rubbing his throat in pain.

(Y/n) turned behind her, her eyes darkened as Takemichi got hurted.

Hakkai then tightened his grip on (Y/n)'s wrist, "Taiju..."

She saw there was someone with tall statue who grinned at them, "YOUR SHIT JUST GOT WRECKED!"

Taiju? His older brother? (Y/n) thought, glaring at him.

Taiju then looked at his black dragon members weirdly, they were bowing while sweating heavily.

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