Chapter 48

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Ever since he was born into this world, the black haired female has always been with him. From when he was a baby till a teenage boy. But what weirded him out was (Y/n) that doesn't seem to age at all.

"(Y/n), he is cute right?" A feminine voice asked as the female nodded, smiling while cradling the bundle of joy in her arm.

Poking the chubby cheeks, letting out a giggle while (Y/n) smiled wider, feeling her heart beating in joy.

Turning to the other person, her smile dropped a little, but managed to keep up her smile. "Kouka-chan." She called as the person named Kouka replied weakly, "Yes, (Y/n)"

"Are you sure you wanted this?" Kouka blinked before chuckling, "What do you mean?"

(Y/n) sighed at her, standing up while carrying the baby before walking towards her. Giving back the baby to the mother, she took a seat on the chair next to the bed.

She stared sadly at Kouka's figure which was bedridden , day by day and her body was weakening. Deeply inside she knew she doesn't has much time left.

"You know what I mean, Kouka-chan."

Just like (Y/n), the vermilion haired female is a yato too. "I am sorry but I'm not going back to our home planet ."

(Y/n) stayed silent and nodded, there were tears in her dark blue eyes, "I understand. I hope you're happy." She said with a sad tone.

Feeling a warm hand caressing her cheek, "Please take care of Kamui for me." His mother pleaded as (Y/n) looked at the baby boy, who was making a grabby hands at Kouka.

"Okay." She promised, grabbing the small hand gently as she cried silently while Kouka only looked at her with a sad smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)."


When Kouan, the Yato's original home world, was attacked, some of the surviving Yatos fled and scattered across the universe.

It is then revealed that centuries later, the Yatos that chose to stay had adapted to the mostly deserted planet.

Kouka was a descendent and sole survivor of the clan and spent most of her life living on the planet alone.

It wasn't till she met another person on the planet alone, fighting the dragons with a smile on her face.

"How did she tame the dragons so easily?"

Seeing someone looking at her, she jumped back to the ground as the dragons also stopped their movements.

Looking closely at the vermilion haired female standing not too far away from them, Another person on this planet?"

Giving the dragon a lovely stroke, she made her way to the mysterious person.

It was a children. (Y/n) blinked her eyes at the little girl before squatting in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Hi." She greeted, her blue eyes blinking, "I'm (Y/n) Yato. What's your name?"

"I am Kouka." The black haired female nodded, tilting her head in confusion, "What are you doing here all alone, Kouka-chan?"

"I don't know. I've been all alone." The child replied with a small voice, "Are you going to leave me too?"

Dark blue eyes widened before shaking her head, "Do you wanna stay with me? I promise I won't leave you."

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