Chapter 50

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"So that's what happened." Kamui finished up as the guys stared at him, eyes widening and mouth gaping like an idiot.

Apparently, everyone joined in wanting to know about (Y/n)'s past while the female yato was standing not too far away from them, gazing at the scenery.

Taking out the kiseru she kept inside her kimono, touching it softly as she smiled, tears in her eyes. The kiseru reminded herself of her adopted daughter.

It was also the kiseru she bought for Kouka a long time ago. After she passed away, she had taken it back and cherish it, bringing it anywhere she goes.

"I missed you, Kouka-chan..."

Kamui stared at his former sensei sadly, knowing by the expression on her face that she was thinking of his late mother, Kouka.

Turning back to the males gathered in front of him, "Please take care of (Y/n)-chan for me." Their eyes widened in confusion but they nodded anyways.

"She might seems happy but deep inside she is sad about what happened."

Kamui was also sad, after almost killing his father, he abandoned his younger sister and became a space pirate.

Or what should we say, a criminal.

The black haired femala yato was the only one that still kept in touch with him, and he was really grateful to her.

"(Y/n)-chan is like a mom to me."

Kamui confessed. His lips perking up thinking about her. She was the one that trained him to be the fighter he was today.

Other than his mother, (Y/n) is more scarier, shivering when remembering about the one time he made her mad.

It was like facing Satan itself.

"We promise we will take of (Y/n)-chan, Don't worry!" Draken assured while the others nodded as well.

"I'll hold you up to that."

Feeling his handphone kept vibrating, Nahoya took out his phone from the pocket as he pressed the home button.

He paled at the amounts of missed calls from his mother on the screen, and hundreds of spamming messages.

Slightly gulping in nervousness, Souya frowned at his older brother who was acting weirdly as he turned to see what the older was doing.

His brother was shaking while looking at his phone.

Immediately getting the phone from his grasp, he also has the same reaction as his older brother.

Their mom was still spamming messages and one of the message he saw displayed on the screen was:



It had been 2 hours since the message was sent. Which meant that their mom definitely called the police. The so called police of course were now looking for the pair of twins.

All of this was Smiley's fault as he scratches his neck in embarrassment while the younger twin glared sternly.

Kazutora who was sitting beside him noticed Angry was sending glares at his older brother, whispering to his ear, asking what happened.

The turquoise haired male only sighed at him before handing him the phone.

Holding the phone as it won't stop vibrating, he also read the messages displayed, horrorfied at what he assumed the twin's mother said to them.

"We fucked up..."

The male muttered to himself in agony which gained attention from other people as well.

"What happened?"

After being informed of what happened to the twins, just because of Nahoya typically sent a picture to his mother with a caption on the picture:

"We are traveling to an alien planet! Be back soon!"

(Y/n) chuckled and sighed at his antics before making his way to the vermilion haired boy who was still talking to Takemichi.

"WE ARE GONNA MURDER YOU, SMILEY!" Someone yelled before jumping on him as the others followed too.

"BECAUSE OF YOU, MY MOM IS CALLING THE POLICE TOO!' Baji screeched, preparing to beat him up.

Sending pleas of help to his twin brother and (Y/n), the younger acted as of he wasn't getting beaten up by his gang members.

While the Tenjiku members only watched the scene, deadpanned at what happened but also secretly prayed for his life.

"(Y/n)-chan!!! HELP ME!!"

Ignoring the peach haired male's cries for help, continuing her way to both of them.

"Kamui-kun." She called out. Hearing a feminine voice calling the him, he and the blonde male turned to the female yato.

"What's it, (Y/n)-chan?"

(Y/n) only rubbed her temples as she opened her mouth, "We need to go back to Earth now." Kamui deflated at what she said, feeling sad they were gonna leave now.

"Why though, (Y/n)-chan?" He asked while pouting, wanting to spend more time with her.

Pointing at the scene behind her, the two males turned their head to what they assumed was a fight going on.

Apparently both of them were too mesmerized into talking that they didn't noticed the yelling and cries.

Kamui sweatdropped, wondering why there was a fight going on all of a sudden while (Y/n) watched the fight, feeling amused.

Takemichi gasped seeing the commander literally choking him on the ground while his older brother was trying to stop him.

Let's say it was a mess.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)-chan."

(Y/n) shook her head before patting his head gently, although she flinched a little seeing the bruises on his face which was fading by now.

Kamui was kind enough to give him some ointment which can magically heals the bruising.

The black haired female glared playfully at the males who was standing behind them.

They shivered a little, feeling scared she was going to kill them here and now.

Apparently Toman and Tenjiku got punished by her because of first, Toman except for Takemichi who started to beat Smiley up.

Secondly, Tenjiku who just watched at the scene while their leader tried to stop Mikey from murdering someone.

"Apologise to Smiley." She ordered, her tone serious.

But in reality, she was just playing, having fun  with teasing them.

"We are sorry...." They said at the same time. The crybaby hero standing beside (Y/n) was laughing at them mentally.


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