Chapter 37

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Meanwhile in the operation room, the doctor was trying to save (Y/n)'s life.

He recognised the person. It was one of his patient's friends.

And the one who destroyed the room.

"She was hitted in the head, Dr Saiki." One of his assistant replied.

He nodded as he felt bad for her.

"I'll check her condition first before officially starting it."

The doctor then take look, flashing the light over her head.

His eyes widened as he kept flashing it.

Her head....was healed?

The assistant noticed the doctor kept flashing the light on the patient's head like a crazy person.

"U-Umm doctor? Are you okay?" The assistant asked hesitantly.

Dr Saiki nodded and rubbed his temple while sighing.

"I think I am going crazy..." He muttered.

The others then heard as something was ruffled.

"Wow, that was a good nap."

The patient exclaimed as she yawned lightly. Dr Saiki rubbed his eyes again, his mouth gaping in shock.

The black haired female freaking woke up, despite being hit on the head hardly.

(Y/n) then looked around her, seeing she was inside an operation room.

With all the sharp tools on the metal table next to her.

She saw the others was looking at her weirdly as she noticed one of the person.

"Hi there, Dr Saiki!" She greeted excitedly, waving at her innocently.

Meanwhile only Emma and Shinchiro were sitting on the chairs.

Mikey and the others left earlier. All of them has  dark expression on their face.

Emma and his older brother chose to stay in the hospital, waiting patiently for the doctor to come out.

She knew where they were going. Tenjiku. They were gonna fight with Tenjiku.

And her other brother was the president of Tenjiku.

Izana Kurokawa.

"Emma." His older brother called as she looked at him.

She felt better when her older brother was here with her.

The presence was calming her down.

"Yes, nii-san?"

He smiled in reply while holding her hands, "(Y/n)-chan will be all right! She's an alien, remember?"

Shinchiro assured her, although he was also getting worried about the yato.

Emma stayed quiet before she smiled slightly, "Yeah."

Suddenly, the operation room's door was opened loudly, making the two looked at the person.

It was (Y/n).

The black haired female just went out of the operation room after greeting the doctor.

The horrified doctor and his poor assistants only looked at her figure walking away from them.

She opened the door as she saw two figures sitting on the chairs, facing the room.

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