Chapter 21

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A pair of twins were now panicking. The reason? A certain black haired girl was missing.

Pressing the number on his phone like a mad person as he tried to call her number.

But no one answered the call. Smiley sighed worriedly, wondering how could the girl went missing all of a sudden.

They were just together a few minutes ago, when the twins got distracted by something.

And it causes (Y/n) to be missing.

"Why she is not answering her phone?!" Smiley said worriedly, looking around the amusement park.

His younger brother also tried to call her phone but has the same reaction as Smiley.

"Everyone will freaking kill us." Nahoya and Souya shivered, thinking about Mikey, Draken and the most scariest one....


I don't wanna die....

"Oh, I lost them." (Y/n) exclaimed, finally realising she was missing.

She parted ways with them since she got distracted by a stall, which was selling waffle.

So here she was, munching on her waffle as she looked around for a certain pair of twins.

She then check her phone, sighing as her phone battery is dead.

"Eh, whatever. Hope they don't panic." She shrugged off as she continued walking, trying other food stalls.

"Rindou, don't you think she look familiar?" Ran asked as he saw someone familiar amongst the people walking by.

"What?" Rindou replied, squinting his eyes at the person his older brother was referring to.

The silky long black haired, and her red parasol.

"It is (Y/n)-chan!" Both of them said in unison.

They missed her since the last time they saw her was during Toman versus Valhalla.

Walking towards her as they called her, "(Y/n)-chan!"

She was standing in front of an ice cream stall as she heard someone calling her.

Turning back she saw the Haitani brothers waving at her.

Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the brothers.

"Hi Ran-kun, Rindou-kun!" She greeted back as she paid the cashier for her ice cream.

Thanking the cashier, she walked towards them with an ice cream cone on her left hand.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Toman were worried of (Y/n)'s current state, apparently Smiley had called Mikey who said the black haired girl went missing all of a sudden.

Which cause Mitsuya to get mad as he cursed the older twin on the phone.

The passerby only looked at him weirdly.

"Oh my god, where is (Y/n)-chin?!" Mikey said to no one as he looked around the amusement park.

Draken stopped on his tracks as he faced them, "If you are (Y/n)-chan, where will she be?" He asked them.

Kazutora then gasped, "Didn't you guys said that she loves desserts?!

Everyone's eyes widened, "You're right!" They said in unison.

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